Monday, December 22, 2008

Schumer and DNC Operatives Caused the Economic Collapse, For Political Leverage

The following article from July '08 is so important, I'm posting it here before it is dug out and removed from the Internet, to prevent the American people from connecting the dots. But watch sites like, for updates to the unraveling facts which prove the Democrat party is responsible for this evil sweeping the globe. The Democrat party will use anything to empower their political capital, and care not a whit that their manipulations cause so much mayhem and destruction to capital, jobs, families, and communities.

How Chuck Schumer Caused the 2d Largest Bank Failure in U.S. History (Important Read)

CNBC ^ | July 12, 2008 | Jerry Bowyer

Federal officials aren’t supposed to cause bank runs. In fact, much of the New Deal bank regulatory apparatus was set up for the purpose of eliminating such panics. When FDR was hit with a massive set of bank runs shortly after taking office, he gave an address in order to calm terrified depositors, assuring them that the banks would reopen shortly, and that everything would be fine. But Chuck Schumer is no FDR. He doesn’t stop bank runs; he starts them. Or, at least, has started one. The collapse of Indymac bank, the second largest bank failure in American history, began with a letter from the office of Senator Charles Schumer on June 27. He questioned the viability of the bank. When a senior senator who is in a number of influential posts regarding oversight of bank regulators directly attacks the confidence of a depository institution, it matters. Not surprisingly, the director of the Office of Thrift Supervision concluded that the collapse of the bank immediately following the Senator’s comments has not a coincidence. Director Reich concluded that Senator Schumer had ‘given the bank a heart attack’.

Why? Why would a federal official with enormous power, destroy an institution on which tens of thousands of depositors (not all of whom are insured) and employees depend? Why would a New York Senator attack a Pasadena bank, acting as some sort of amateur, self-appointed, long-distance bank examiner?

Perhaps this might help answer the question: Indymac has been under attack from the hard left. The Center for Responsible Lending issued an attack on Indymac within a few days of Schumer’s letter.

CRL is part of a small army of left of center ‘research’ groups, community organizers, and public interest law firms who make their living accusing home lenders of racial redlining and predatory lending. On June 20th the Center accused Indymac of unfair practices regarding minority borrowers. [CRL is a left-wing group that refuses to disclose its donors, but somehow has raised enough money to open very expensive offices in Washington and Sacramento. They are the Democrats' favorite witness at hearings on mortgage lending. CRL is in some ways responsible for the subprime mess, because in December 2006 it released a completely bogus report that projected 2 million foreclosures would occur. That number is taken as gospel now, but it has not materialized. This is a group of lying leftists that is trying to break the U.S. mortgage industry, and appears to be succeeding, with the help of Chuck Schumer. Some people think that one or more large U.S. or foreign banks is actually bankrolling CRL.]

A suspicious person might think that a network of lefty attack groups proficient in bank bashing and frequently funded by trial lawyers and short-sellers, coordinated their activities with a law firm on the hunt and a Senator who works closely with the network.

On the other hand, maybe it is a coincidence that CRL and Sen. Schumer attacked the same bank in the same week. Maybe he didn’t know about the CRL report, nor CRL about his letter. Maybe the community group didn’t know about the trial-lawyer class action lawsuit which was launched against Indy a couple of weeks before all of this started.

Yeah, right.

The political class is shifting left. We’re likely to get Obama and Nancy and Harry running the most advanced economy in the world next year. The investor class doesn’t like what it sees coming. That’s why it is scaling back. Capital is going on strike, and we won’t come back to the table until we see that we have a chance to a fair deal.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Obama: Illegitimate Affirmative Action Hire

The way this poseur, Barack Hussein Obama--if that is in fact the legal name--is handling this issue of his place of birth/naturalization is most telling of the man's contempt for the Constitution and what he will place ahead of the nation. Obama comes first in his calculus, and somewhere down the list of priorities is 'the nation's interests'.

All of his life has been a latter-day affirmative action lesson. His promotion on several levels has followed the fading model of affirmative action, allowing him to manipulate 'the system' for his own promotion. He has now sealed his records at all levels, to prevent revelation of his manipulating the system as he so chose, taking advantage of lax authentication especially where a 'black' person seeking affirmative action was relevant.

Two or three incidents in his life will illustrate the machinations:

1) Obama has sealed from the public his transcripts from High School AND from college at all levels, which effectively also hide from view the name(s) he used and nationalities he claimed, to apply for various college entries and programs such as funding assistance;

2) When Obama was a college student, he traveled on a visa to Pakistan; such travel was restricted for American citizens but was open to Indonesians; since Obama was an Indonesian citizen of record for his schooling while his adopting father Mister Soetoro registered him for schooling there, Obama could have applied for and held an Indonesian passport but has sealed that record from scrutiny, for obvious reasons;

3) All through Obama's primary and election process, when a question of Obama's associations and past were cited for query, the David Axelrod method for dealing with any controversy was to layer lies on the issue that obfuscated the truth: such as the claim that in 20 years of sitting in Wright's church Obama never heard the man malign America, or the absurd lies told regarding William Ayers, beginning with Axelrod's idiocy--savored by the sycophantic media and repeated by such leftist fools as Mara Liasson on Hume's FOX program--of 'perhaps Obama and Ayers met casually at school functions since their children attended the same schools'!

Of course none of these deceptions would work for more than a week if it were not for the fifth column enemy of We The People--the media bastards propagandizing for their Marxist messiah--avoiding airing any of the controversies with even a modicum of objectivity, and in fact spewing the layered lies for the campaign and the handlers. But then, the media showed they relish a well placed lie more than the truth, with the eight years of constant lies from bill 'sinkEmperor' clinton, the media's dead-soul hero.

Sean Hannity has stated that this election was the year journalism died in America. More accurate would be the observation that this election was the point at which the socialist media went finally over to the dark side, transmogrifying themselves from faltering fourth estate to active fifth column enemy of We The People. [Imagine a Calvin and Hobbs transmogrification of a mailman into a monster stalking Spaceman Spiff ...] But then, Sean is more of a gentleman than I am, so he would never state it that way.

Obama's way of dealing with these controversies regarding his past and his identity prove he cares not a whit for the Constitution or the People who have sought to allow him to ascend into the applied for affirmative action position.

Obama is a wicked man, as he proved in dealing with the issue of born alive infants in Illinois ... he actively sought to cancel their Constitutional rights which incur to them upon being born alive in this nation, in order to protect the murder of these newest citizens via purposed neglect.

Obama was actively protecting a murder methodology being used in the South-side Chicago abortuaries where a majority of the children killed are black children. Yet black people never heard this truth about Obama because the fifth column enemy actively withheld it from the people, selecting what truths about this wicked man they would report.

A fading affirmative action hire of a questionable candidate for the position applied for would not be creating a Constitutional crisis if one of two things were in order: either We The People shut up and sit down while this fraudulent candidate ignores the Constitutional requirements for the applied for position, or the once honorable fourth estate would report the full truth about this fraudulent poseur candidate so the people could make an informed decision on this affirmative action applicant for president.

We are seeing the ultimate nightmare of affirmative action when it is applied without completely following the law. The fifth column enemy of We The People is creating a very volatile scenario by avoiding truth and proper vetting, perhaps aimed at extorting the affirmative action hire for their messiah. If bloody rioting comes, one can only hope the enemies of We The People--in the media--are expunged/destroyed in the process.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate

The following is an excellent summary from American Thinker on the birth certification/non-natural born citizen issue of Barack Obama.

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate
By Joe the Farmer

Does this Barack Obama birth certificate issue bug you because, although improbable, it's possible that he's not a natural born citizen, isn't eligible to be President under the Constitution, and this issue could be bigger than Watergate -- or any other "gate" in history?

Are you afraid that if you were even to raise the subject with your friends that they will think you wear a tinfoil hat, because, the final arbiter of truth in the universe, said so?
Are you with the news media, and after spending so much money to get Barack Obama elected, you'd hate to ruin your investment?

Are you a talk radio host who thinks that if you say the burden of proof needed to demonstrate one is eligible to be Commander in Chief should be at least as high as, oh, say, the level to be eligible for Hawaiian homestead status (see 1.F. below), that you'd be forced to give equal time to someone who disagrees?

Are you a conservative, libertarian, or any conscientious constitutionalist from any ideological side of life, who's convinced something's not right, but you're afraid your reputation might be tarnished because, after all, this could be one big Saul-Alinsky-style set-up, and the joke would be on you?

Fear not! Joe the Farmer has prepared an outline showing that no matter how this issue is ultimately resolved, you have legitimate concerns, and that Barack Obama should, simply out of respect for the nation he was elected to lead, disclose the sealed vault copy of his birth certificate.

Given the circumstances, if Barack Obama respected this nation, he would prove it by the simplest and easiest of gestures - unless, of course, all this talk about change and hope was just a bunch of bull, and he's just "another politician." Here's the outline:

+1. Under Hawaiian law, it is possible (both legally and illegally) for a person to have been born out of state, yet have a birth certificate on file in the Department of Health.

---A. From Hawaii's official Department of Health, Vital Records webpage: "Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign country" (applies to adopted children).

---B. A parent may register an in-state birth in lieu of certification by a hospital of birth under HRS 338-5.

---C. Hawaiian law expressly provides for registration of out-of-state births under HRS 338-17.8. A foreign birth presumably would have been recorded by the American consular of the country of birth, and presumably that would be reflected on the Hawaiian birth certificate.

---D. Hawaiian law, however, expressly acknowledges that its system is subject to error. See, for example, HRS 338-17.

---E. Hawaiian law expressly provides for verification in lieu of certified copy of a birth certificate under HRS 338-14.3.

---F. Even the Hawaii Department of Home Lands does not accept a certified copy of a birth certificate as conclusive evidence for its homestead program. From its web site: "In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."

+2. Contrary to what you may have read, no document made available to the public, nor any statement by Hawaiian officials, evidences conclusively that Obama was born in Hawaii.

---A. Associated Press reported about a statement of Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Fukino, "State declares Obama birth certificate genuine."

---B. That October 31, 2008 statement says that Dr. Fukino "ha[s] personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures." That statement does not, however, verify that Obama was born in Hawaii, and as explained above, under Hawaiian policies and procedures it is quite possible that Hawaii may have a birth record of a person not born in Hawaii. Unlikely, but possible.

---C. The document that the Obama campaign released to the public is a certified copy of Obama's birth record, which is not the best evidence since, even under Hawaiian law, the original vault copy is the better evidence. Presumably, the vault record would show whether his birth was registered by a hospital in Hawaii.

---D. Without accusing anyone of any wrongdoing, we nevertheless know that some people have gone to great lengths, even in violation of laws, rules and procedures, to confer the many benefits of United States citizenship on themselves and their children. Given the structure of the Hawaiian law, the fact that a parent may register a birth, and the limited but inherent potential for human error within the system, it is possible that a parent of a child born out-of-state could have registered that birth to confer the benefits of U.S. citizenship, or simply to avoid bureaucratic hassles at that time or later in the child's life.

)))))1. We don't know whether the standards of registration by the Department of Health were more or less stringent in 1961 (the year of Obama's birth) than they are today. However, especially with post-9/11 scrutiny, we do know that there have been instances of fraudulent registrations of foreign births as American births.

)))))2. From a 2004 Department of Justice news release about multiple New Jersey vital statistics employees engaged in schemes to issue birth certificates to foreign-born individuals: "An individual who paid Anderson and her co-conspirators for the service of creating the false birth records could then go to Office of Vital Statistics to receive a birth certificate . . . As part of the investigation, federal agents executed a search warrant of the HCOVS on Feb. 18, 2004, which resulted in the seizure of hundreds of suspect Certificates of Live Birth which falsely indicated that the named individuals were born in Jersey City, when in fact, they were born outside the United States and were in the United States illegally . . . Bhutta purchased from Goswamy false birth certificates for himself and his three foreign-born children."

)))))3. Even before 9/11, government officials acknowledged the "ease" of obtaining birth certificates fraudulently. From 1999 testimony by one Social Security Administration official: "Furthermore, the identity data contained in Social Security records are only as reliable as the evidence on which the data are based. The documents that a card applicant must present to establish age, identity, and citizenship, usually a birth certificate and immigration documents-are relatively easy to alter, counterfeit, or obtain fraudulently."

+3. It has been reported that the Kenyan government has sealed Obama's records. If he were born in Kenya, as has been rumored even recently, the Kenyan government would certainly have many incentives to keep that undisclosed. Objectively, of course, those records may prove nothing. Obama's refusal to release records at many levels here in the United States, though, merely fuels speculation.

+4. Obama has refused to disclose the vault copy of his Hawaiian birth certificate. This raises the question whether he himself has established that he is eligible to be President. To date, no state or federal election official, nor any government authority, has verified that he ever established conclusively that he meets the eligibility standard under the Constitution. If the burden of proof were on him, perhaps as it should be for the highest office of any individual in America, the more-than-dozen lawsuits challenging his eligibility would be unnecessary.

---A. Had he disclosed his vault copy in the Berg v. Obama lawsuit (which was the first lawsuit filed on the question of his eligibility to be President), and it was established he was born in Hawaii, that would have constituted res judicata, and acted to stop other similar lawsuits being filed. Without res judicata (meaning, the matter is adjudged and settled conclusively) he or government officials will need to defend other lawsuits, and valuable court resources will be expended. Strategically from a legal standpoint, therefore, his refusal to disclose doesn't make sense. Weighing factors such as costs, resources and complexity of disclosing versus not disclosing, he must have reason of considerable downside in disclosing, or upside in not disclosing. There may be other reasons, but one could speculate that he hasn't disclosed because:
)))))1. He was not born in Hawaii, and may not be eligible to be President;

)))))2. He was born in Hawaii, but facts that may be derived from his vault copy birth certificate are inconsistent with the life story he has told (and sold);

)))))3. He was born in Hawaii, and his refusal to provide the best evidence that he is a natural born citizen is a means by which to draw criticism of him in order to make him appear to be a "victim." This would energize his supporters. This would also make other charges about him seem suspect, including his concealment about ties to Bill Ayers and others of some infamy. Such a clever yet distasteful tactic would seem to be a Machiavelli- and Saul-Alinsky-style way to manipulate public opinion. But while this tactic may energize his supporters, it would convince those who believe him to be a manipulator that he's not only just that, but a real pro at it. This would indeed be the basest reason of all, and would have repercussions about his trustworthiness (both here and abroad), which Americans know, is a characteristic sorely lacking in its leaders.

---B. His motion to dismiss the Berg case for lack of standing could be viewed as contemptuous of the Constitution. See, "Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause?" Are we to expect yet another White House that hides behind lawyers, and expects Americans to swallow half-truths on a just-trust-me basis?

---C. This issue poses the potential for a constitutional crisis unlike anything this country has seen. Disclosure at this stage, however, could even result in criminal sanctions. See, "Obama Must Stand Up Now Or Step Down." Thus, he has motive not to disclose if he were ineligible.

The question not being asked by the holders of power, who dismiss this as a rightwing conspiracy, is what's the downside of disclosing? This is a legitimate issue of inquiry because Barack Obama has turned it into one. The growing number of people who demand an answer in conformance with the Constitution are doing their work; the people's watchdogs aren't.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

More Than The Fifth Column Enemedia Wants Exposed

This blog entry from New Zeal is so important, I'm posting it in entirety rather than merely linking to it. Kudos Trevor Loudon.

Obama is a Marxist/Socialist, and he will infect the Federal ranks with even more of such vermin than are presently filthying up the place! Vermin like David Bonior who is no friend of the Republic the Obama administration will seek to terminate, albeit stealthy murder ...

Obama File 53 Why Did Obama Appoint A Socialist To His "Transition Team"?
by Trevor Loudon

Obama file 52 href="">color=#0000ff>here

According to the href="">color=#0000ff>Washington Post, potential appointees to president
elect Obama's new administration are being scrutinised like never before.

Now, as President-elect Barack Obama assembles his administration, an
army of lawyers volunteering on his transition team are vetting his potential
picks with unprecedented scrutiny of their personal, financial and professional

Obama is conducting the vetting process much the way he
managed his campaign: methodically, thoroughly and on a prodigious scale. He did
not wait until he won the election to vet his favored picks. Soon after he
clinched the Democratic nomination, lawyers quietly prepared dossiers of about
150 contenders for senior positions -- often without the candidates themselves

Why then did president elect Obama, appoint a socialist
to his proto cabinet- href="">color=#0000ff>Transition Economic Advisory Board?
man in question, former Michigan Congressman David Bonior is a supporter and
almost certainly a "member in good standing" of Democratic Socialists of America

Despite its name, DSA is not "democratic" in the
traditional American sense. The organisation is a several thousand strong
alliance of Marxists, anarchists, former communists, Trotskyists and student
radicals-dedicated to the socialist transformation of American

DSA has close ties and some cross membership with both the href="">color=#0000ff>Communist Party USA and the CPUSA offshoot href="">color=#0000ff>Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
-both of wich also supported Obama.

Many DSA
members have ties to Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela and Mexico's Zapatista
DSA National Political Committee member, Kurt Stand, (code name "Junior") was
jailed in 1997 after the FBI discovered he had href="">color=#0000ff>spied for the former East Germany.

A href="">Friends of
Kurt Stand
support group is still run by senior DSA member
William (Bill)Moseley.

According to href="">color=#0000ff>Wikipedia Bonior was...

First elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976, Bonior served as Democratic whip in
the House from 1991 to 2002, during which time Democrats were in both the
majority (1991-1995) and minority (1995-2002), making Bonior the third and
second highest-ranking Democrat in the House, respectively. During his tenure in
office, Bonior was the public face of Democratic opposition to the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...

David Bonior was a leading
member of the href="">color=#0000ff>Congressional Progressive Caucus, a grouping of
around 50 leftist Democratic congressmen, which includes some DSA

From the href="">DSA

No, we are not a separate party. Like our
friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and
community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic
Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s left wing,
represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus...Maybe sometime in the
future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be
viable. For now, we will continue to support progressives who have a real chance
at winning elections, which usually means left-wing Democrats

leaving Congress in 2002, Bonior ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Michigan,
backed by Detroit DSA.

From DSA's href="">Democratic
Left Fall 2002

Detroit DSA remains active in the
electoral arena. Over the spring and summer, its work focused on Rep.David
Bonior's gubernatorial campaign. The local endorsed Rep. Bonior almost eighteen
months ago. He was the keynote speaker at its last Douglass-Debs Dinner. DSA
helped with the early fundraising for his campaign, col-lecting signatures for
his nominating petitions, distributing literature at Detroit churches, and
walking door to door in Macomb County on his behalf on the weekend before the
primary. On the weekend of July 20-21, the local brought Rep. Danny Davis (an
African-American congressman and DSA member from Chicago) to Detroit to campaign
for Bonior...

Danny K Davis is also long time href="">color=#0000ff>friend and political ally of Barack

In 2003 David Bonior was a keynote speaker at href="">DSA's
national convention
in Detroit

Bonior's speech-"Towards a
North American Parliamentary Union" called for a political forum, or Parliament
to address US/Canada/Mexico relations. While Bonior was a leading opponent of
the North American Free Trade Agreement, he is clearly not so opposed to North
american political union..

Bonior told the DSA conference;

organization has been just absolutely tremendous in the Detroit area in
[the]living wage campaign’s great, great success—they have been one of the
stalwarts in it—fighting for a singlepayer healthcare plan, and, of course,
global justice. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here with you today and to
be associated...

Four days after Obama won the presidency, on the 8th
of November 2008, Greater Detroit DSA honoured David Bonior and his wife at
their color=#0000ff>annual dinner.

At this year’s Fr ederick
Douglass-Eugene V. Debs Dinner, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) with the New
American Movement to form Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The dinner
will be held at UAW Local 600 at 6 PM on Saturday, November 8th. This year we
are honoring David and Judy Bonior and Judge Claudia Morcum...

Bonior also chairs the board of pro-union organisation href="">American
Rights at Work
. Other board members include AFL-CIO president and
DSA member John Sweeney, NAACP leader Julian Bond (once a member of DSA ancestor
organisation Democratic Socialist Organising Committee) and two DSA connected
politicians-former Congressman and NAACP president Kweisi Mfume and
Congresswoman Hilda Solis.

Clearly David Bonior is close to DSA, but is
there any proof that he is actually a member?

From DSA's href="">color=#0000ff>Democratic Left Spring 2006

DSA has
formed a Political Action Committee—Democratic Socialists of America PAC (DSA
PAC), which will raise funds to enable activity that supports or opposes
candidates for federal office. By law, DSA is not permitted to expend its
resources in support of or against candidates in partisan elections; however,
DSA is permitted to form a PAC for this purpose...

The PAC is a separate
legal entity that will file reports of its activity with the Federal Election

Only DSA members in good standing may contribute to the
PAC. Because the law is so specific, all contributions are carefully screened to
make sure that they are from members...

"Only members in good
standing may contribute..."

According to href="">color=#0000ff>this page-David Bonior Political Campaign
Contributions 2006 Election Cycle David E Bonior gave $1,000 to the DSA


Either DSA, Bonior or both broke US electoral law, or David E Bonior
was, in 2006, an official member of Democratic Socialists of

Others contributors href="">color=#0000ff>listed with Bonior included confirmed DSA members
David Green, Ed Clark, Adam Hochschild, href="">color=#0000ff>Duane Campbell, David Knuttenen, Richard Shoemaker,
Milton Tambor, Eric Edel, Oskar Pascal and William Moseley.

So it looks
pretty likely that David Bonior was, or is, a paid up socialist.

If this
is so, why would Obama appoint David Bonior to one of the most important posts
in the country?

It is not as if Bonior and Obama go way back. Bonior is
only a fairly recent convert to the Obama cause. Originally he was a campaign
manager for Obama's Democratic primary rival John Edwards.

Even though
Bonior's conversion is pretty complete…

why should Obama choose him above
all other contenders?

The answer may be obvious.

Obama has his own
easily documented ties to Democratic Socialists of America.

Obama almost
certainly began attending href="">color=#0000ff>DSA sponsored conferences while at Columbia
University in the early 1980s. He was href="">color=#0000ff>endorsed by Chicago DSA during his successful 1996
run for Illinois State Senate. At the same time href="">color=#0000ff>he joined the partially href="">color=#0000ff>DSA initiated New Party.

Obama has close
personal and political ties to several DSA supporters including href="">color=#0000ff>Quentin Young, href="">color=#0000ff>Rabbi Jacob Wolf, href="">color=#0000ff>Jackie Grimshaw, href="">color=#0000ff>William McNary, the late href="">color=#0000ff>Saul Mendelson and US Congress members Danny K
Davis and href="">color=#0000ff>Jan Schakowsky.

Is it credible that Obama
has no knowledge of Bonior's DSA connections? Is it possible that Obama's
sleuths missed Bonior's easily found socialist links?

Is it more likely
that Obama is well aware of Bonior's background, but appointed him in spite of,
or even because of it?

In appointing David Bonior to his "Transition
Team" was Obama knowingly promoting a a socialist "comrade"?

There are
some important questions to be answered here.

posted at href="">color=#0000ff>11/27/2008 07:56:00 AM


Obama File 53 Why Did Obama Appoint A Socialist To His "Transition Team"?
by Trevor Loudon

Obama file 52 href="">color=#0000ff>here

According to the href="">color=#0000ff>Washington Post, potential appointees to president
elect Obama's new administration are being scrutinised like never before.

Now, as President-elect Barack Obama assembles his administration, an
army of lawyers volunteering on his transition team are vetting his potential
picks with unprecedented scrutiny of their personal, financial and professional

Obama is conducting the vetting process much the way he
managed his campaign: methodically, thoroughly and on a prodigious scale. He did
not wait until he won the election to vet his favored picks. Soon after he
clinched the Democratic nomination, lawyers quietly prepared dossiers of about
150 contenders for senior positions -- often without the candidates themselves

Why then did president elect Obama, appoint a socialist
to his proto cabinet- href="">color=#0000ff>Transition Economic Advisory Board?
man in question, former Michigan Congressman David Bonior is a supporter and
almost certainly a "member in good standing" of Democratic Socialists of America

Despite its name, DSA is not "democratic" in the
traditional American sense. The organisation is a several thousand strong
alliance of Marxists, anarchists, former communists, Trotskyists and student
radicals-dedicated to the socialist transformation of American

DSA has close ties and some cross membership with both the href="">color=#0000ff>Communist Party USA and the CPUSA offshoot href="">color=#0000ff>Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
-both of wich also supported Obama.

Many DSA
members have ties to Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela and Mexico's Zapatista
DSA National Political Committee member, Kurt Stand, (code name "Junior") was
jailed in 1997 after the FBI discovered he had href="">color=#0000ff>spied for the former East Germany.

A href="">Friends of
Kurt Stand
support group is still run by senior DSA member
William (Bill)Moseley.

According to href="">color=#0000ff>Wikipedia Bonior was...

First elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976, Bonior served as Democratic whip in
the House from 1991 to 2002, during which time Democrats were in both the
majority (1991-1995) and minority (1995-2002), making Bonior the third and
second highest-ranking Democrat in the House, respectively. During his tenure in
office, Bonior was the public face of Democratic opposition to the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...

David Bonior was a leading
member of the href="">color=#0000ff>Congressional Progressive Caucus, a grouping of
around 50 leftist Democratic congressmen, which includes some DSA

From the href="">DSA

No, we are not a separate party. Like our
friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and
community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic
Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s left wing,
represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus...Maybe sometime in the
future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be
viable. For now, we will continue to support progressives who have a real chance
at winning elections, which usually means left-wing Democrats

leaving Congress in 2002, Bonior ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Michigan,
backed by Detroit DSA.

From DSA's href="">Democratic
Left Fall 2002

Detroit DSA remains active in the
electoral arena. Over the spring and summer, its work focused on Rep.David
Bonior's gubernatorial campaign. The local endorsed Rep. Bonior almost eighteen
months ago. He was the keynote speaker at its last Douglass-Debs Dinner. DSA
helped with the early fundraising for his campaign, col-lecting signatures for
his nominating petitions, distributing literature at Detroit churches, and
walking door to door in Macomb County on his behalf on the weekend before the
primary. On the weekend of July 20-21, the local brought Rep. Danny Davis (an
African-American congressman and DSA member from Chicago) to Detroit to campaign
for Bonior...

Danny K Davis is also long time href="">color=#0000ff>friend and political ally of Barack

In 2003 David Bonior was a keynote speaker at href="">DSA's
national convention
in Detroit

Bonior's speech-"Towards a
North American Parliamentary Union" called for a political forum, or Parliament
to address US/Canada/Mexico relations. While Bonior was a leading opponent of
the North American Free Trade Agreement, he is clearly not so opposed to North
american political union..

Bonior told the DSA conference;

organization has been just absolutely tremendous in the Detroit area in
[the]living wage campaign’s great, great success—they have been one of the
stalwarts in it—fighting for a singlepayer healthcare plan, and, of course,
global justice. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here with you today and to
be associated...

Four days after Obama won the presidency, on the 8th
of November 2008, Greater Detroit DSA honoured David Bonior and his wife at
their color=#0000ff>annual dinner.

At this year’s Fr ederick
Douglass-Eugene V. Debs Dinner, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) with the New
American Movement to form Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The dinner
will be held at UAW Local 600 at 6 PM on Saturday, November 8th. This year we
are honoring David and Judy Bonior and Judge Claudia Morcum...

Bonior also chairs the board of pro-union organisation href="">American
Rights at Work
. Other board members include AFL-CIO president and
DSA member John Sweeney, NAACP leader Julian Bond (once a member of DSA ancestor
organisation Democratic Socialist Organising Committee) and two DSA connected
politicians-former Congressman and NAACP president Kweisi Mfume and
Congresswoman Hilda Solis.

Clearly David Bonior is close to DSA, but is
there any proof that he is actually a member?

From DSA's href="">color=#0000ff>Democratic Left Spring 2006

DSA has
formed a Political Action Committee—Democratic Socialists of America PAC (DSA
PAC), which will raise funds to enable activity that supports or opposes
candidates for federal office. By law, DSA is not permitted to expend its
resources in support of or against candidates in partisan elections; however,
DSA is permitted to form a PAC for this purpose...

The PAC is a separate
legal entity that will file reports of its activity with the Federal Election

Only DSA members in good standing may contribute to the
PAC. Because the law is so specific, all contributions are carefully screened to
make sure that they are from members...

"Only members in good
standing may contribute..."

According to href="">color=#0000ff>this page-David Bonior Political Campaign
Contributions 2006 Election Cycle David E Bonior gave $1,000 to the DSA


Either DSA, Bonior or both broke US electoral law, or David E Bonior
was, in 2006, an official member of Democratic Socialists of

Others contributors href="">color=#0000ff>listed with Bonior included confirmed DSA members
David Green, Ed Clark, Adam Hochschild, href="">color=#0000ff>Duane Campbell, David Knuttenen, Richard Shoemaker,
Milton Tambor, Eric Edel, Oskar Pascal and William Moseley.

So it looks
pretty likely that David Bonior was, or is, a paid up socialist.

If this
is so, why would Obama appoint David Bonior to one of the most important posts
in the country?

It is not as if Bonior and Obama go way back. Bonior is
only a fairly recent convert to the Obama cause. Originally he was a campaign
manager for Obama's Democratic primary rival John Edwards.

Even though
Bonior's conversion is pretty complete…

why should Obama choose him above
all other contenders?

The answer may be obvious.

Obama has his own
easily documented ties to Democratic Socialists of America.

Obama almost
certainly began attending href="">color=#0000ff>DSA sponsored conferences while at Columbia
University in the early 1980s. He was href="">color=#0000ff>endorsed by Chicago DSA during his successful 1996
run for Illinois State Senate. At the same time href="">color=#0000ff>he joined the partially href="">color=#0000ff>DSA initiated New Party.

Obama has close
personal and political ties to several DSA supporters including href="">color=#0000ff>Quentin Young, href="">color=#0000ff>Rabbi Jacob Wolf, href="">color=#0000ff>Jackie Grimshaw, href="">color=#0000ff>William McNary, the late href="">color=#0000ff>Saul Mendelson and US Congress members Danny K
Davis and href="">color=#0000ff>Jan Schakowsky.

Is it credible that Obama
has no knowledge of Bonior's DSA connections? Is it possible that Obama's
sleuths missed Bonior's easily found socialist links?

Is it more likely
that Obama is well aware of Bonior's background, but appointed him in spite of,
or even because of it?

In appointing David Bonior to his "Transition
Team" was Obama knowingly promoting a a socialist "comrade"?

There are
some important questions to be answered here.

posted at href="">color=#0000ff>11/27/2008 07:56:00 AM


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Abortion And Birth Certificates: Obama’s Soul Revealed

When someone implies that you’re crazy to continue to scrutinize the Obama Certifcate Of Live Birth issue, bring up the following evidence of Obama's and the Democrat Party's willingness to set aside the Constitution for their own empowerment.

While an Illinois legislator, Barack Obama worked on four occasions to cancel the Constitutional human rights of newly born alive human beings. He did this as a way to empower himself with the most radical left of the Democrat party. His method was to argue that 'if the Constitutional rights of newly born alive children were recognized then such would erode the power of Roe v Wade'!

With the current political campaign, Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are fighting tooth and nail to avoid submitting for We The People to inspect, the very background material which is required when applying for a job with a corporation, much less a top security position: the college records, the birth certificate, the working history, medical history, etc.

To top it all off, the way Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are dragging out this controversy over his eligibility, they are aligning the circumstances in such a way as to build up an extortion scenario, where the growing threat of violence and mayhem will be implicit in urging that We The People set aside the Constitutional requirements for someone to be running for President much less take the oath of office legitimately!

The way this man and his army of attorneys are handling this issue is a strong indication as to how he will handle any issue where the Constitution might be in opposition to what he wants to do, what powers he wants to assume, what strategic moves he wants to make! It is for that reason that We The People must, YES MUST, demand that this sneaky man and his political party be made to follow the Constitution regardless of the riots his sycophants may threaten and/or perpetrate.

Barack Hussein Obama (if that is in fact his real name) is a sneaky thuggish operator. His political rise to power has shown that. He will ignore any law which is an inconvenience to his empowerment, just like he worked to cancel the Constitutional Rights of the most vulnerable newly born alive infants in Illinois, protecting the killing method of 'pernicious neglect' as a way to slaughter newly born alive children.

Let me iterate that more succinctly: Barack Obama worked to cancel Constitutional Rights of newly born children, as a means to empower himself (and perhaps protect the industry of fetal tissue harvesting which may have been a campaign contributor to him).

He is right now working to cancel the Constitutional requirements for becoming President, using the implicit threat of violence --a threat which grows more imminent with every passing day he ignores the right of We The People to know the facts on him. And he is orchestrating that growing threat as the damned thug that he is-- in his campaign to have himself installed as president despite the illegitimacy of his candidacy. He has also sent his minions to the media and Internet, to squelch a rising din over the issue, because the more aware the people are of this possible illegitimacy the less empowering are threats over rejection of him for illegitimacy.

If Barack Hussein Obama will work to cancel the rights of the most vulnerable in order to empower himself and/or his special interests, and Barack Obama will send out an army of attorneys to stonewall the vetting of him on eligibility issues, what is to stop such a thug from doing anything he wants with a democrat controlled Congress behind his empowerment? Elections have consequences. As we see clearly from his past actions, the Constitution is nothing more than a weak contract Obama ignores when it suits him to do so.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama’s Campaign Is Layered With Lies

Last night (Friday, 10/31) on the Hannity and Colmes FOX NEWS program, ex-CIA Director James Woolsey, when discussing the Rashid Khalidi issue, cited facts regarding Khalidi's role on an international polling organization. Colmes had tried to impugn John McCain for ‘sending money to Khalidi‘, a specious accusation at best.

Alan Colmes had raised this tenuous connection to Rashid Khalidi as an Obama campaign talking points effort to connect John McCain’s Senate committee appropriating money to Rashid Khalidi ... floating the well crafted lie that McCain would be just as culpable as Obama's praising Khalidi at a party in Khalidi's honor where anti-Israeli hate speech was spewed to warm reception.

We have been deceived by the Obama lie that the organization was a PLO organ. In fact, they are an international polling organization on whose board apparently Khalidi sat as merely a PLO representative. The Obama/Axelrod campaign wasn’t mistaken, they were not confused, they knew they were floating yet another Obama/Axelrod lie in a layer meant to bury the truth by spreading layers of lies upon it. [Alan Colmes was so deep into using DNC/Obama/Axelrod specious talking points that he didn’t even know enough truth to try and talk over what the ex-CIA director was saying! But he started to catch on toward the end of the Admiral’s short explanation, then drowned out the finish with the usual Colmes over-talking the guest.]

What does it say about a campaign that has to resort to so many deceptions and so many layers of lies in order to hide the truth about the candidate? ... And America is a hair’s breadth away from electing this deceitful candidate to be president? I have black friends who are embarrassed he is part blackman!

With the William Ayers issue, Axelrod layered several lies to cover the truth that Obama has close personal friendships lasting decades, with monsters who are domestic terrorist bombers. Axelrod started the layer of lies with the gross fabrication that Ayers’ kids and Obama's kids attend the same school, so Ayers and Obama may have run into each other at school functions! ... The Ayers kids must be really retarded since they are two decades older than Obama's little girls.

To try such a gross lie at the start of a vetting process indicates either the campaign manager (Axelrod) is ignorant of the facts or is so knowledgeable that he has devised a plan to layer on lies he hopes will obfuscate the truth. The media has purposely subverted the normal vetting process, to cover for this Marxist built from criminal Chicago enterprise clay.

Ayers' connection to Obama is not casual; Ayers hired Obama to head the board of Annenberg Challenge doling out tens of millions of dollars to Ayers approved programs. Ayers helped launch Obama's political career from the Ayers living room with a power coffee for the new candidate. And the connections continue to be uncovered, but not by mainstream media who have sold-out to act as roadblocks in vetting this man, glady transforming the press into a fifth column enemy of We The People rather than our natural fourth estate for informed governance.

Where the Obama campaign spreads layers of lies, digging by Internet researchers has uncovered truth, despite the media’s hard work to hide facts damaging to their dirty socialist messiah.

With the ACORN issue, layers of lies were spread to cover the truth that Obama has long, close, and on-going ties to this criminal enterprise which is working to cheat the election process and blackmail/intimidate the mortgage industry. Obama has worked as a trainer for ACORN group directors. He got his start in community organizing in a sub unit of ACORN. ACORN was founded by Wade Rathke, once a member in the Ayers Weather Underground terrorist group. The Obama campaign recently paid more than $800,000 to an ACORN front group, and Obama is connected to millions paid to ACORN in the past through foundations he has chaired and served on as funneler of funds.

With the birth certificate/citizenship issue Axelrod has layered lies to cover something we have yet to fully uncover, but it can’t be good because the deceit is so pernicious and being protected by an army of Obama-hired attorneys fighting a dozen lawsuits aimed only at forcing Obama to show his actual physical place of birth!

Is Barack Obama even Constitutionally qualified to run for the office or even be a U.S. Senator? Is his claim to citizenship based on a counterfeit document? The Obama campaign tried to front a fraudulent certificate of live birth on their website. The counterfeit was so bad that the author had to admit he had fabricated the document when web sleuths exposed the fraud! And the counterfeit is compounded by an organization connected to one of Obama’s past foundations, The Annenberg Challenge, which org we will recall hired Obama at William Ayers instruction! [Yes the same William Ayers who is a confessed domestic terrorist bomber.] When questioned about this, the obama campaign has tried to tie Ronald Reagan to the layers of deceit just because Reagan was friends with Annenberg, decades ago!

The only reason to hide a simple birth certification document is to hide truth from the American people being manipulated to vote for a fraud. Then, extort the rise to ultimate earthly power via threat of violence if he is rejected for his ineligibility. Murder and mayhem worked for Obama's cousin in Kenya, in a political campaign to which Obama was closely tied before the election, during the vote counting, and afterwards during the murderous Raila Odinga directed riots and mayhem.

With the Rashid Khalidi issue we have more lies, and it isn’t difficult to see why the Obama goons are spreading layers of lies on that one! Obama expects millions of Jews to vote for him while he hides that he is close friends with a man highly placed in a PLO murderous mob determined to annihilate Israel. The deceitful candidate is layering lies to hide his relationship to the enemies of Israel! And like a broken clock, Jews will vote by the millions for this fraudulent candidate, this affirmative action promotion.

The Obama campaign knows exactly what they’re doing with the layers of lies Axelrod and company spread to hide the bare truth about this democrat candidate for president. Now that Tony Rezko is convicted not just indicted, Obama won’t even take questions regarding his relationship to Rezko in past Chicago area slumlord enterprises, or Rezko‘s connection to Obama‘s estate purchase, or Rezko‘s campaign funding for Obama in the past.

Axelrod has a history of lying to cover truth. He’s a skilled ‘Astroturfer’ for past corporate deceit campaigns, painting criminal corporations as benevolent. With the stakes so high in this campaign, and the power so real to his future, Axelrod has proven he will tell any lie he needs, to fool the people and manipulate the vote. This professional deceiver, David Axelrod, is the choice of Barack Obama, to run his campaign and deceive whomever, on whatever it takes, to achieve ultimate power in America.

Democrats are lairs. They cheat the election process in treasonous ways because the democrat party is a criminal enterprise. When they add one false vote, it cancels the legitimate vote of a sovereign American, a legitimate member of We The People. That’s treason in my book. And they are on the verge of being in complete and utter control of the whole game of marbles. Perhaps we deserve every bad thing coming our way, but pray without ceasing folks that God will be merciful to US in this time of great peril.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What/Who IS Barack Hussein Obama?

Barack Obama is a rhetoretician, but seldom is truth his currency. He plays bait and switch, misdirection, trickery, sleight of hand, if you will.

Asked by Pastor Rick Warren ‘when BABIES get human rights‘--that‘s Constitutional Rights--Obama switched the focus to conception issues. Why? Because he has a history of using summary removal of Constitutional rights from newborns as his means to protect abortion rights in Illinois.

Barack Obama is more than willing to cancel Constitutionally defined Human rights in order to protect what the Democrat Party has used as their empowerment scheme, for decades.

In the following clip from the Saddleback Church interview, Pastor Warren didn‘t ask about a fetus--the pre-born baby--or about issues of ‘when a conceptus becomes a human being‘, he asked when a baby--an already born, alive human entity--gets human rights:

Notice how Barack Obama answers first that it is above his pay grade, trying to divert the focus to an issue which continues to confound debate. That’s sleight of hand, trickery, obfuscation. Why? … Because while he was in the Illinois legislature, Barack Obama didn’t consider it above his pay grade to cancel the Constitutional Rights of newborn, alive babies as his means to protect abortion ’rights’!

Pastor Warren asked Obama a question which would have exposed a darkness at the heart of the man, had Obama answered truthfully. So Barack Obama played bait and switch, deceived the audience, lied. He does this regularly, but the sycophantic leftist media never calls him on his lies.

Obama twisted the focus of Warren’s question, as a way to avoid exposing his Constitution-cancelling past performance. Killing born alive infants is okay in Barack Obama‘s twisted mind, so long as it protects abortion on demand! But he knows that would be a major turn-off for average Americans, so he lies.

On the other hand, Barack Obama made noises about being his brother’s keeper, and quoted scripture (from Matthew, which he may never have actually read for himself) regarding ‘doing to the least of these’. Had Barack Obama ever actually read the Gospel according to Matthew, he would know that Jesus considers children also as ‘the least of these‘.

Alive, born and separated from their mother‘s body children are the least among us. Obama had no problem with cancelling the rights of these alive children, as his means to protect the rites of abortion and thus empower his political capital among pro-choice Democrats.

Deceit is so deeply ingrained with Barack Obama, one is left pondering from whence comes such deception? How can a man claim to care about the least among us, yet purposely cancel the Constitutional Rights, the Human Rights of struggling-to-breathe newborn children?

If I’m not mistaken, abortion ‘rights’ are about killing the alive unborn. But Obama protected the killing of alive just born children completely separated from the mother’s body, under the guise of protecting abortion rights.

Are we to conclude that killing the newborn is an abortion right?

If that were the only issue, the task of comprehending what is this man would be more simple. But there is so much more, as the Obama army’s character assassination of persons like Joe the Plumber prove.

Actually, the loud and clear message is more sinister from the Obama goons: ‘Do not question what Obama does or says. If Barack uses murdering of newborns as a means to protect abortion rights, he must not be questioned for it.’ Any evil is allowed, so long as it serves to sustain abortion on demand, even if the issue is not abortion but the legalization of killing newborns, the legalization of infanticide!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This Is A Right Catchy Piece Of Work

Here's an eight minute, very brilliant presentation from a Christian brother. ... Family is gonna make Heaven such an interesting place, meeting all these family members you didn't get to meet while on Earth! And he's young and black and I'm old and white! Enjoy ... I sure am proud of my family In Christ.

Obama Constitution&Abortion

Barack Obama sought to cancel the Constitutional Human Rights of born alive infants as Obama's means to 'protect' Roe v Wade and empower his political capital.

As a Constitutional law professor, we may be certain he knew what he was working to do when he opposed the born alive infant protection legislations. The form of killing alive children--that Obama protected--is called induced labor abortion. It is a method of forcing premature birth then killing the struggling completely born infant by neglecting medical attention, so the struggling child eventually suffocates. That is infanticide/murder via purposed neglect. ...

And America's media is protecting this kind of man, so he may become our elected president without vetting? THAT is the fourth estate turning into the fifth column enemy of the people.

Please watch the following and forward the net address to all on your e-mail lists. Time is growing very short for our values:

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Supreme Court Is Not Radical Enough For Obama

During a 2001 radio call in session, the following remarks were recorded of Barack Obama answering questions on the socialist/Marxist perspective he desires for the nation and how the Courts haven't been radical enough to meet his desires. [Here is the Youtube address to listen to Obama on the radio program: ] The transcript of the audio is below, as part of a Bill Whittle essay that is included:

Barack Obama, in 2001:

You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil-rights
movement, and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded
was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples. So that I would
now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at a lunch counter and
order and as long as I could pay for it, I’d be okay, but the Supreme Court
never entered into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of more
basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

And uh, to that extent, as radical as I think people tried to characterize
the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the
essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the
Constitution — at least as it’s been interpreted, and Warren Court interpreted
it in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative
liberties: [It] says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal
government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or
the state government must do on your behalf.

And that hasn’t shifted, and one of the, I think, the tragedies of the
civil-rights movement was because the civil-rights movement became so
court-focused, uh, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the
political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to
put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about
redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.

A caller then helpfully asks: “The gentleman made the point that the Warren
Court wasn’t terribly radical. My question is (with economic changes)… my
question is, is it too late for that kind of reparative work, economically, and
is that the appropriate place for reparative economic work to change place?”

Obama replies:

You know, I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive
change through the courts
. The institution just isn’t structured that way.
[snip] You start getting into all sorts of separation of powers issues, you
know, in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in a process that essentially
is administrative and takes a lot of time. You know, the court is just not very
good at it, and politically, it’s just very hard to legitimize opinions from the
court in that regard.

So I think that, although you can craft theoretical justifications for it,
legally, you know, I think any three of us sitting here could come up with a
rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts.”


There is nothing vague or ambiguous about this. Nothing.

From the top: “…The Supreme Court never entered into the issues of
redistribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and
economic justice in this society. And uh, to that extent, as radical as I think
people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical.”

If the second highlighted phrase had been there without the first, Obama’s
defenders would have bent over backwards trying to spin the meaning of
“political and economic justice.” We all know what political and economic
justice means, because Barack Obama has already made it crystal clear a second
earlier: It means redistribution of wealth. Not the creation of wealth and
certainly not the creation of opportunity, but simply taking money from the
successful and hard-working and distributing it to those whom the government
decides “deserve” it.

This redistribution of wealth, he states, “essentially is administrative and
takes a lot of time.” It is an administrative task. Not suitable for the courts.
More suitable for the chief executive.

Now that’s just garden-variety socialism, which apparently is not a big deal
to may voters. So I would appeal to any American who claims to love the
Constitution and to revere the Founding Fathers… I will not only appeal to you,
I will beg you, as one American citizen to another, to consider this next
statement with as much care as you can possibly bring to bear: “And uh, to that
extent, as radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it
wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that
were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution — at least as it’s been
interpreted, and [the] Warren Court interpreted it in the same way, that
generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: [it] says what
the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you,
but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do
on your behalf.

The United States of America — five percent of the world’s population — leads
the world economically, militarily, scientifically, and culturally — and by a
spectacular margin. Any one of these achievements, taken alone, would be cause
for enormous pride. To dominate as we do in all four arenas has no historical
precedent. That we have achieved so much in so many areas is due — due entirely
— to the structure of our society as outlined in the Constitution of the United

The entire purpose of the Constitution was to limit government. That
limitation of powers is what has unlocked in America the vast human potential
available in any population.

Barack Obama sees that limiting of government not as a lynchpin but rather as
a fatal flaw: “…One of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights
movement was because the Civil Rights movement became so court-focused, uh, I
think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community
organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual
coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in
some ways we still suffer from that.”

There is no room for wiggle or misunderstanding here. This is not edited
copy. There is nothing out of context; for the entire thing is context — the
context of what Barack Obama believes. You and I do not have to guess at what he
believes or try to interpret what he believes. He says what he believes.

We have, in our storied history, elected Democrats and Republicans, liberals
and conservatives and moderates. We have fought, and will continue to fight,
pitched battles about how best to govern this nation. But we have never, ever in
our 232-year history, elected a president who so completely and openly opposed
the idea of limited government, the absolute cornerstone of makes the United
States of America unique and exceptional.

If this does not frighten you — regardless of your political affiliation —
then you deserve what this man will deliver with both houses of Congress, a
filibuster-proof Senate, and, to quote Senator Obama again, “a righteous wind at
our backs.”

That a man so clear in his understanding of the Constitution, and so
opposed to the basic tenets it provides against tyranny and the abuse of power,
can run for president of the United States is shameful enough.

We’re just getting started.


Mercifully shorter than the first, and simply this: I happen to know the
person who found this audio. It is an individual person, with no more resources
than a desire to know everything that he or she can about who might be the next
president of the United States and the most powerful man in the world.

I know that this person does not have teams of highly paid professionals,
does not work out of a corner office in a skyscraper in New York, does not have
access to all of the subtle and hidden conduits of information … who possesses
no network television stations, owns no satellite time, does not receive
billions in advertising dollars, and has a staff of exactly one.

I do not blame Barack Obama for believing in wealth distribution. That’s his
right as an American. I do blame him for lying about what he believes. But his
entire life has been applying for the next job at the expense of the current
one. He’s at the end of the line now.

I do, however, blame the press for allowing an individual citizen to do the
work that they employ standing armies of so-called professionals for. I know
they are capable of this kind of investigative journalism: It only took them a
day or two to damage Sarah Palin with wild accusations about her baby’s
paternity and less time than that to destroy a man who happened to be playing
ball when the Messiah decided to roll up looking for a few more votes on the way
to the inevitable coronation.

We no longer have an independent, fair, investigative press. That is
abundantly clear to everyone — even the press. It is just another of the facts
that they refuse to report, because it does not suit them.

Remember this, America: The press did not break this story. A single citizen,
on the Internet did.

There is a special hell for you “journalists” out there, a hell made
specifically for you narcissists and elitists who think you have the right to
determine which information is passed on to the electorate and which is not.

That hell — your own personal hell — is a fiery lake of irrelevance, blinding
clouds of obscurity, and burning, everlasting scorn.

You’ve earned it.


This discovery will hurt Obama much more than Joe the Plumber.

What will be left of my friend, and my friend’s family, I wonder, when the
press is finished with them?

— Bill Whittle lives in Los Angeles and is an on-air commentator for You can find him online at

Friday, October 24, 2008

Television Reveals Our Deepest Nature, Sometimes

The CSI episode (CBS show, Crime Scene Investigation) which aired Thursday evening, October 23, was, as is common, about a serial killer. The killer picked random victims, drugged them to unconsciousness, and killed them in restrained poses, so when rigor mortis sets in (stiffening of the muscles with oxygen deprivation and paralysis of muscle cells) these people are posed in what the killer perceives as ‘artful sculpting’.

Toward the end of the episode, the CSI team discovers the killer has abducted a little boy whom he plans as the last in a series of ‘sculptings’. The frantic criminal investigators locate a warehouse where they believe the killings have taken place and rush to find the little boy. As the child is pulled free from the straps and restraints, unconscious, CPR is started when the boy is carried from the killing chamber. The audience is left in suspense, momentarily: will the team be too late to save this child; will CPR revive this child?

I watched the end of that episode with tears in my old eyes, pleading in my mind for the little one to breathe. The tears were because I was thinking of how a viewing audience can be manipulated to cheer for that little boy to recover from the carbon monoxide and breathe, yet Barack Obama worked hard in the Illinois legislature to protect killing born alive infants —completely separated from the mother’s body— via forced suffocation of preemie babies left unattended to die alone. And it makes me cry that too many of my fellow Americans are going to vote for this ghoul from Illinois who used the suffocation murder of born alive children as a means to empower himself politically.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why Some Democrats Are Looking To Vote McCain

During a recent discussion of just how dangerous for America is Barack Obama, someone asked: "I want to know where is Hillary. How come she hasn't derailed this runaway train."

Funny they should ask; Hillary was also an admirer of Saul Alinsky methodology, as shown with her thesis uncovered nearly a decade ago and written about in Barbara K. Olson’s Hell To Pay. Hillary Clinton is campaigning for the little Marxist squirrel. What one ought to ask is, 'What has the Marxist Obama promised to Hillary so that she is helping him ascend to ultimate power?'

One of the interesting little secrets of this election is that PUMAs have discovered Hillary has evolved in her Alinskyeque perspective, moving from a pure Marxist to pragmatic socialist. [PUMAs are the Hillary voters from the primaries who have rejected the mantra of democrat party unity in order to get Barack Obama elected, instead contemplating a vote for McCain/Palin. We’ll look at why, momentarily.]

Marxism, relating to Capitalism, is revolution oriented, systematically tear-it-all-down oriented, destructive. Socialism, related to Capitalism, is change oriented--the very faux mantra of the actually Marxist destroyers as they are swept into power by the poor astonished fools who will be slaughtered in the aftermath.

‘Change’ is the actual campaign mantra used by Raila Odinga, the Marxist Kenyan advised by Barack Obama in the 2006-2007 election cycle in Kenya. The deception of using ‘change’ instead of ‘revolution’ is meant to hook the inattentive, the hopeful, the useful idiots. Odinga tried revolution in the eighties and was jailed for it. So he switched to the less obvious ‘change’ mantra, but still Kenyans rejected his deceit. It was violence and murder Odinga was more than willing to use which finally got him a position of power sharing.

Change does not immediately destroy, it gradually redirects, whereas the objective of Marxists like William Ayers and Rev. Cone--mentor to Rev Wright--is to destroy the existing society and install a different society. Barack Obama is closely connected to William Ayers, despite the lies David Axelrod has tried to float to deceive voters.

Barack Obama is pretending to be a socialist but not saying it outright, for obvious reasons. He has foisted ‘change’ at the heart of his objectives, as his means to deceive his way to empowerment. He used the same deceitful technique while protecting infanticide in Illinois, in order to empower himself with pro-choice voters; the truth on Obama was he worked to protect abortion through protecting the heinous killing method know as induced labor/induced delivery abortion ... and even the radical pro-choice like Boxer, Harkin, and Clinton could not be that extreme and voted to pass the Born Alive Infant Protection Act which Obama repeatedly opposed.

Let‘s be clear: Barack Obama is associate of Rev. Wright of Black Liberation Theology, and William Ayers, co-founder of the Weather Underground terrorists bombers. Both of these radical men, Barack’s chosen associates, aimed to destroy the America they saw. Ayers evolved into 'change' oriented socialist only because he could not in the seventies succeed in destroying America.

Should Americans trust that Barack Obama will--as an associate of Rev. Wright and William Ayers--stick to 'change' style socialism if and when he attains ultimate power in America? … Does anyone believe Ayers would not resort to his original objectives when his man Barack holds the keys to destroying the America Ayers still hates? Apparently, men like Colin Powell cannot reason that far, making Colin Powell a useful idiot!

The PUMAs have seen the evolution of Hillary from stealth Marxist like Obama, to socialist. It is striking to realize that people like Colin Powell have been fooled to believe Obama is a socialist they can work with, whereas PUMAs have seen the actual Marxist behind the deceit that Obama and his squad of deceivers in media spew. Powell is a useful idiot; PUMAs are pragmatic socialist. In PUMA calculus, McCain still leads to socialism, whereas Barack Obama leads to quick destruction of the Republic. PUMAs may be right about John McCain, but I don’t think so. I welcome their votes though, for we have love of this Republic in common.

I have nothing in common with William Ayers or hate spewing Rev. Wright, and these are men Barack Obama has chosen to be his associates. They are but two of the many, many radical associates Obama values. Ever heard of Franklin Raines?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thank God For Sam Wurzelbacher, America’s Plumber

This past week, video surfaced of Barack Obama telling a common workingman with an entrepreneurial dream ‘it isn’t so much that I want to penalize your success‘, but that Obama wants to ‘spread the wealth around’ by over taxing the small business engine which drives job creation in America. I was amazed at the sudden glimpse into the basics of Barack Hussein Obama. We were getting an astonishing look at the philosophy of leftist Democrats. But we were actually seeing only the tip of a titanic ‘iceberg’ that is Barack Hussein Obama.

Subsequent video of Barack Obama speaking about Joe the Plumber revealed something much more sinister than was revealed in the third debate with John McCain. At first hearing, I was struck by how Obama’s disdain for Joe may hint of racism. Did the smirk with which Obama intoned ‘John McCain says he’s working for a plumber’ have a racist tinge to it, of a college trained Blackman condescending toward a white plumber?

In fact, Obama’s smirking condescension went well beyond racism, revealing the attitude Barack Hussein Obama and the entire leadership of the Democrat party have toward common man America. It isn’t racism, it’s Marxist elitism.

Had Joe The Plumber been a Blackman, I doubt that Barack Hussein Obama’s responses would have been different in substance. Obama accidentally revealed what Democrats try hard to prevent being known about them: they do seek to ‘spread the wealth around’. Unfortunately, their schemes to spread something around always end up spreading around the failure and poverty generated from Johnson’s Great Society of welfare. But back to Barack Hussein Obama …

If Joe Wurzelbacher had been a Blackman asking the very same question, according to previous performances before black audiences Obama would have altered his speech patterns and given a studied imitation of Blackman as he stealthily denigrated a common man’s dream of buying the business and expanding it, expanding the employee number, and expanding wealth.

The answer to Joe’s query would have varied only in delivery, not in substance: Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist in his basic belief system. In fact, the entire Democrat Party swings their bats from that side of the government plate, as evidenced by their Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ponzi scheme to fund mortgages using vacuous credit scams which enriched Democrat friends while saddling middle class and lower income families with unmanageable debt, now creating a five trillion dollar debt load on America‘s future taxpayers.

The little secret at the heart of Marxist philosophy is, there has to be an elite gang at the top of society, somewhere, deciding what your dreams and future will look like in their elitist condescension. The disdain Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, and the teams’ talking heads in the sycophantic media have shown toward Joe Wurzelbacher is very revealing.

These damned Marxism elitists don’t like common man America because guys like Joe Wurzelbacher don‘t want government to be their nanny, they want the chance to have success by their own toiling entrepreneurial drive! It is the character of We The People among all races and ethnic backgrounds that we only want the chance to have our hard work pay off for us and our families. That has no racial boundaries, as my neighbor down the street proves so eloquently, but such independence is anathema to the Marxist way of governance!

The campaign to destroy Joe Wurzelbacher is not based on race or ethnic background, it’s founded in an elitist fear of men like Joe who do not buy the nanny state philosophy.

You can see Marxist condescension flash on the face of these elitists when they mock Joe among sycophantic followers, disdaining Joe The Plumber for daring to question their Marxist messiah.

Obama screwed up and revealed the hidden agenda at the heart of Democrat power lust. His media sycophancy must act quickly to destroy this threat to their carefully crafted lie that is ‘Uniter Squirrel‘, Barack Hussein Obama. It‘s a pity once great men like Colin Powell are so taken in by the crafty sham and are tucked away with the rest of the ACORNs.

The little army of elitist media are quick to assassinate anyone who nicks their little godman, Barack. The little Marxist squirrel could not hide his utter disdain for Joe The Plumber‘s independent spirit. Watch the despicable expression which oozes across the face of Obama when he addresses McCain‘s assertion that he fights for Joe The Plumbers of America: . Folks, that‘s Obama as despicable, and very revealing!

Spread the wealth around is the heart of Marxist philosophy, and it always ends up spreading poverty around, as Cuba and the failed Soviet Union so aptly show. ’Spreading something around’ is the goal Barack Hussein Obama and his party worshippers have for America. Maybe this time Marxist utopia will be reached through the bloody hands of a man who sought to protect infanticide so the left’s precious Roe v Wade would not be eroded. Barack Hussein Obama’s scheme might work and I might be wrong now, but I don’t think so …

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is This Election America's Last Chance To Reject Real Evil?

This last debate is vital to the future of our nation, and in a very real way, this election is crucial for the survival of millions of future Americans who will be in grave danger if Barack Obama is elected and does what he has promised with regard to Abortion.

While in the Illinois legislature, Barack Obama worked hard to protect a type of abortion that forces babies to be born alive very prematurely (between 16 and 24 weeks of gestational age) then they are left to die, alone, struggling to try and breathe, without medical attention. Such children are alive, not as survivors of an abortion attempt but as the intentional means to kill them using their fragile condition to murder them via neglect so they eventually suffocate.

When a man's soul is so dark that he describes addressing the wrongness of that evil as above his pay grade--as Barack Obama did during the Saddleback Church interview--if America does not reject such a leader, America become liable for the evil rising in her midst. Barack Obama has promised to sign as one of his first acts in the presidency a bill to sweep aside ALL abortion laws in America, including and especially the laws passed to address this evil way of killing fragile little babies ... which killing method he worked to protect while an Illinois Senator.

I am convinced that The Lord can reveal to the world the spirit that is within Barack Obama and that the spirit within him is twisted and evil. What frightens me is the real possibility that even when God reveals that twisted spirit, too many Americans will still embrace him despite the recognition of his evil intentions.

Intentionally killing premature children via neglect is pure wickedness. To work hard to protect that wickedness is service to evil. So, my fervent prayer this evening is that The Lord will by some divine means pull back the veil hiding the real person that is Barack Obama, for the world to witness it tonight. May the Lord have mercy upon America and at least reveal the nature of Barack Obama so that we the people have a last chance to turn from wickedness and turn to Our Savior and His Spirit of Life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

No Change, Despite Whom Is Elected … Really?

Some are pleading that regardless of which man gets elected--McCain or Obama--things will not change, business will go on as usual. That might encourage some to opt out of the election process, but it is astonishingly naive.

First, observations on the clinton eight years from such voices are flawed, possibly poisoned by democrat party talking point lies claiming clinton era federal tax revenue surpluses. There has not been a surplus since the Democrats funneled all tax revenues (even FICA social security taxes collected) into a 'general fund' from which Democrats and Republicans have over spent, creating an ongoing national debt of federal 'bills' ... federal bonds issued as a means to borrow to pay for Congressional and Presidential spending sprees.

Clinton changed the Bond funding mechanism from long-term notes to short term notes which have higher interest yields for purchasers like the Chicoms and Saudis but which cost taxpayers more and have to be rolled over much more often, at changing interest rates. So there hasn't been a real surplus since the Democrats quietly tapped the tax receipts mounting up in the Social Security trust fund which were meant to be accruing until drawn upon by retiring workers in the distant future. Now, social security is paid by current tax revenues instead of from a 'surplus' ... there are no ‘surpluses due to Clinton‘, because there are trillions in IOUs, even accumulated in the clinton years, where once there were accumulating and set aside revenues collected under FICA taxation in pay checks.

Second, if Barack Obama was even close to as dedicated an American as bill 'sinkEmperor' clinton, the electorate could sail along regardless of a McCain or Obama win. That things will not be business as usual is clearly reflected in the sell-offs occurring in the stock markets; investors don't see a future for profit under a Marxist wannabe like a Castro or a Chavez, and that is in reality what Obama is, a Marxist. Polls being touted by the biased media are panicking investors, adding to the Democrat's desired destruction of the economy as a means to empower the Democrat party in this election year.

Barack Obama is nothing like bill clinton: Barack Obama is a racist politician, and in his own words from one of his 'autobiographies', learned early in life to hide his hatred and distrust for white people. By his own admission, Obama is a deceiver on race and has learned the methodology very well, judging by the many dupes who believe he would be 'good for race relations in America.'

Barack Obama is not a nice man, despite what the comity obsessed McCain says at Townhall events.

Barack Obama, while an Illinois Senator, worked hard to protect and keep legal a particularly nasty way of killing alive unborn children. The abortion method is called induced labor abortion, where an alive but very premature child is forced to be born prematurely then left to struggle and die unattended, alone, suffocating to death, slowly.

Barack Obama was recruited--while still in college--by William Ayers, a domestic (home-grown) terrorist bomber who has not changed his aims for America. Ayers just shifted his bombing to aim at the minds of children during their impressionable years. Ayers wants to change America, but what he envisions isn't a free Republic. One can be assured that Obama fits somewhere in Ayers‘ plan for America else Ayers would not have recruited him so early.

Obama's political career was launched from William Ayers' living room in Chicago, not by a black lady politician, but by Ayers and co., as explained by the black lady the lying David Axelrod campaign has tried to say used Ayers' living room to launch Obama. The black lady was invited to attend Ayers' launching of Obama's political career. Protecting abortion and lying through Obama teeth are not signs of a nice man.

Obama used taxpayer funds to fly down to Kenya, to politically empower one Raila Odinga, thug and convicted bloody revolutionary whose army of machete wielding hackers murdered Christian women and children when Odinga failed to win the election in Kenya.

Obama continued to promote Odinga after it was exposed that Odinga signed an agreement with the Muslim leadership in Africa that he would institute Sharia law if he were elected. And after the slaughtering and burning began, post election, Obama continued to try and get a power sharing position for Odinga in Kenya, remaining in constant contact with the murderous thug Odinga until the duly elected president of Kenya was pressured via churches torched and Christians murdered, and by the US State Dept Obama petitioned and pleaded with, to appoint Odinga to a newly fabricated job of 'Minister'.

Barack Obama has used and continues to use the race card, digging to revive racial unrest, trying to intimidate voters into either voting for him as a black man or staying out of the political struggle so as to not obstruct his rise to power. No wonder Jesse Jackson wanted to clip Obama's 'acorns'! Obama's racist surrogates are increasing the racist pressure every week! They have the media telling folks that if you don‘t vote for Obama, you‘re racist. Such a unifying message, that, join Obama or be stamped a racist!

Barack Obama is closely connected--as a past trainer and lawyer for ACORN--to a hired army of treacherous enemies working to cancel legitimate votes. Called ACORN, this pernicious army creates false voter registrations to be use to cancel the honest votes of real citizens, by using fabricated names on voter registration rolls, names of cartoon characters, the Dallas Cowboys football team, and names of dead people and under-aged children. ACORN is under indictment in several states and it is likely that at least a few of the organizers now sending the vote fraud army out in battleground states were trained by Obama, years ago.

Obama was instrumental as a lawyer on the ACORN case suing CitiBank to increase very bad mortgage loans to people unable to handle the mortgages. This suing under the guise of the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) from the Carter years, given Justice Department muscle under the clinton signature in 1999 and prosecuted by clinton's secretary Cuomo, is at the heart of the current financial meltdown! The failures of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are directly connected to the strong-arm methodology of ACORN activism taught by Barack Obama in his alliance with ACORN.

And oh yes, and Obama's campaign has paid this election $800,000 to ACORN for their assistance, even as Barack Obama lies saying he is not aligned with ACORN! Obama was also the second highest recipient of Fannie Mae lobbying cash with only three years in the Senate (more than $150,000), yet Obama decries lobbyists!

Barack Obama aligned himself with Rev Wright and the very hate-filled radical black liberation theology ... for twenty years, even taking his precious daughters to absorb the hate in that church! But when Wright and the hate-filled rhetoric were exposed, Barack Obama pretended to dissociate himself from Wright and the rhetoric.

If Barack Obama is elected president, the nation will not continue along in business as usual. The intimidation campaign exploiting Democrat law enforcement folks, by the Axelrod operatives in Missouri, shows that!

Barack Obama's mantra is change. Marxist revolution is founded upon that mantra and Barack Obama is a Marxist who has written about his admiration for Saul Alinsky and Alinsky's mayhem methodology for radicals ... that is the community organizing methodology Barack Obama taught at ACORN and which has been used in voter registration fabrications and for intimidating bankers and banks. No wonder Barack Obama called for his supporters to 'get in your neighbor's face' ... he taught such Alinsky intimidation tactics in ACORN community organizer training classes!

When the Democrat party rejected Hillary Clinton for their nominee, the die was set to have either radical change which will end the Republic as we know it, or for the Republic to slide along under a McCain administration with a Democrat controlled House and Senate obstructing a Republican at every turn for four years. Frankly, the latter is the only chance We The People now have for survival, because it is a sure thing that a Marxist will not hear a single conservative voice once Barack Obama is in power, by any means, even intimidation.

Trying to claim this election is no big deal is a sneaky methodology to get undecided voters to opt out of the political process unless they join the radicals!