Obama is a Marxist/Socialist, and he will infect the Federal ranks with even more of such vermin than are presently filthying up the place! Vermin like David Bonior who is no friend of the Republic the Obama administration will seek to terminate, albeit stealthy murder ...
Obama File 53 Why Did Obama Appoint A Socialist To His "Transition Team"?
by Trevor Loudon
Obama file 52 href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-52-communists-celebrate.html">color=#0000ff>here
According to the href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/17/AR2008111703037.html?hpid=topnews">color=#0000ff>Washington Post, potential appointees to president
elect Obama's new administration are being scrutinised like never before.
Now, as President-elect Barack Obama assembles his administration, an
army of lawyers volunteering on his transition team are vetting his potential
picks with unprecedented scrutiny of their personal, financial and professional
Obama is conducting the vetting process much the way he
managed his campaign: methodically, thoroughly and on a prodigious scale. He did
not wait until he won the election to vet his favored picks. Soon after he
clinched the Democratic nomination, lawyers quietly prepared dossiers of about
150 contenders for senior positions -- often without the candidates themselves
Why then did president elect Obama, appoint a socialist
to his proto cabinet- href="http://www.freep.com/article/20081106/NEWS15/81106063/1008/news06">color=#0000ff>Transition Economic Advisory Board?
man in question, former Michigan Congressman David Bonior is a supporter and
almost certainly a "member in good standing" of Democratic Socialists of America
Despite its name, DSA is not "democratic" in the
traditional American sense. The organisation is a several thousand strong
alliance of Marxists, anarchists, former communists, Trotskyists and student
radicals-dedicated to the socialist transformation of American
DSA has close ties and some cross membership with both the href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-52-communists-celebrate.html">color=#0000ff>Communist Party USA and the CPUSA offshoot href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/08/obama-file-25-ccds-marxist-leninists.html">color=#0000ff>Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism-both of wich also supported Obama.
Many DSA
members have ties to Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela and Mexico's Zapatista
DSA National Political Committee member, Kurt Stand, (code name "Junior") was
jailed in 1997 after the FBI discovered he had href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A00E5D6173FF936A25753C1A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all">color=#0000ff>spied for the former East Germany.
A href="http://www.klstand.net/PostedAppeal.htm">Friends of
Kurt Stand support group is still run by senior DSA member
William (Bill)Moseley.
According to href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_E._Bonior">color=#0000ff>Wikipedia Bonior was...
First elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976, Bonior served as Democratic whip in
the House from 1991 to 2002, during which time Democrats were in both the
majority (1991-1995) and minority (1995-2002), making Bonior the third and
second highest-ranking Democrat in the House, respectively. During his tenure in
office, Bonior was the public face of Democratic opposition to the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...
David Bonior was a leading
member of the href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2006/11/socialists-behind-progressive-caucus.html">color=#0000ff>Congressional Progressive Caucus, a grouping of
around 50 leftist Democratic congressmen, which includes some DSA
From the href="http://www.dsausa.org/pdf/widemsoc.pdf">DSA
No, we are not a separate party. Like our
friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and
community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic
Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s left wing,
represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus...Maybe sometime in the
future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be
viable. For now, we will continue to support progressives who have a real chance
at winning elections, which usually means left-wing Democrats
leaving Congress in 2002, Bonior ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Michigan,
backed by Detroit DSA.
From DSA's href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Fall_2002.pdf">Democratic
Left Fall 2002
Detroit DSA remains active in the
electoral arena. Over the spring and summer, its work focused on Rep.David
Bonior's gubernatorial campaign. The local endorsed Rep. Bonior almost eighteen
months ago. He was the keynote speaker at its last Douglass-Debs Dinner. DSA
helped with the early fundraising for his campaign, col-lecting signatures for
his nominating petitions, distributing literature at Detroit churches, and
walking door to door in Macomb County on his behalf on the weekend before the
primary. On the weekend of July 20-21, the local brought Rep. Danny Davis (an
African-American congressman and DSA member from Chicago) to Detroit to campaign
for Bonior...
Danny K Davis is also long time href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/08/obama-file-22-barack-obama-danny-k.html">color=#0000ff>friend and political ally of Barack
In 2003 David Bonior was a keynote speaker at href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Winter_2003.pdf">DSA's
national convention in Detroit
Bonior's speech-"Towards a
North American Parliamentary Union" called for a political forum, or Parliament
to address US/Canada/Mexico relations. While Bonior was a leading opponent of
the North American Free Trade Agreement, he is clearly not so opposed to North
american political union..
Bonior told the DSA conference;
organization has been just absolutely tremendous in the Detroit area in
[the]living wage campaign’s great, great success—they have been one of the
stalwarts in it—fighting for a singlepayer healthcare plan, and, of course,
global justice. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here with you today and to
be associated...
Four days after Obama won the presidency, on the 8th
of November 2008, Greater Detroit DSA honoured David Bonior and his wife at
their color=#0000ff>annual dinner.
At this year’s Fr ederick
Douglass-Eugene V. Debs Dinner, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) with the New
American Movement to form Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The dinner
will be held at UAW Local 600 at 6 PM on Saturday, November 8th. This year we
are honoring David and Judy Bonior and Judge Claudia Morcum...
Bonior also chairs the board of pro-union organisation href="http://www.americanrightsatwork.org/">American
Rights at Work. Other board members include AFL-CIO president and
DSA member John Sweeney, NAACP leader Julian Bond (once a member of DSA ancestor
organisation Democratic Socialist Organising Committee) and two DSA connected
politicians-former Congressman and NAACP president Kweisi Mfume and
Congresswoman Hilda Solis.
Clearly David Bonior is close to DSA, but is
there any proof that he is actually a member?
From DSA's href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Spring_2006.pdf">color=#0000ff>Democratic Left Spring 2006
DSA has
formed a Political Action Committee—Democratic Socialists of America PAC (DSA
PAC), which will raise funds to enable activity that supports or opposes
candidates for federal office. By law, DSA is not permitted to expend its
resources in support of or against candidates in partisan elections; however,
DSA is permitted to form a PAC for this purpose...
The PAC is a separate
legal entity that will file reports of its activity with the Federal Election
Only DSA members in good standing may contribute to the
PAC. Because the law is so specific, all contributions are carefully screened to
make sure that they are from members...
"Only members in good
standing may contribute..."
According to href="http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/david-bonior.asp?cycle=06">color=#0000ff>this page-David Bonior Political Campaign
Contributions 2006 Election Cycle David E Bonior gave $1,000 to the DSA
Either DSA, Bonior or both broke US electoral law, or David E Bonior
was, in 2006, an official member of Democratic Socialists of
Others contributors href="http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/committees/democratic-socialists-of-america-pac.asp?cycle=06">color=#0000ff>listed with Bonior included confirmed DSA members
David Green, Ed Clark, Adam Hochschild, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/02/obama-file-19-obama-08-all-way-with-dsa.html">color=#0000ff>Duane Campbell, David Knuttenen, Richard Shoemaker,
Milton Tambor, Eric Edel, Oskar Pascal and William Moseley.
So it looks
pretty likely that David Bonior was, or is, a paid up socialist.
If this
is so, why would Obama appoint David Bonior to one of the most important posts
in the country?
It is not as if Bonior and Obama go way back. Bonior is
only a fairly recent convert to the Obama cause. Originally he was a campaign
manager for Obama's Democratic primary rival John Edwards.
Even though
Bonior's conversion is pretty complete…
why should Obama choose him above
all other contenders?
The answer may be obvious.
Obama has his own
easily documented ties to Democratic Socialists of America.
Obama almost
certainly began attending href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/01/obama-file-7-barack-obama-and.html">color=#0000ff>DSA sponsored conferences while at Columbia
University in the early 1980s. He was href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/01/obama-file-2-barack-obama-was-endorsed.html">color=#0000ff>endorsed by Chicago DSA during his successful 1996
run for Illinois State Senate. At the same time href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-41-obama-was-new-party.html">color=#0000ff>he joined the partially href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-36-how-socialist-was-obamas.html">color=#0000ff>DSA initiated New Party.
Obama has close
personal and political ties to several DSA supporters including href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-36-how-socialist-was-obamas.html">color=#0000ff>Quentin Young, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-45-obamas-cuddly-old.html">color=#0000ff>Rabbi Jacob Wolf, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-42-obamas-socialist.html">color=#0000ff>Jackie Grimshaw, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/09/obama-file-26-william-mcnary-yet.html">color=#0000ff>William McNary, the late href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-39-barack-obama-carol.html">color=#0000ff>Saul Mendelson and US Congress members Danny K
Davis and href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/02/obama-file-12-jan-schakowsky-barack.html">color=#0000ff>Jan Schakowsky.
Is it credible that Obama
has no knowledge of Bonior's DSA connections? Is it possible that Obama's
sleuths missed Bonior's easily found socialist links?
Is it more likely
that Obama is well aware of Bonior's background, but appointed him in spite of,
or even because of it?
In appointing David Bonior to his "Transition
Team" was Obama knowingly promoting a a socialist "comrade"?
There are
some important questions to be answered here.
posted at href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-53-why-did-obama-appoint.html">color=#0000ff>11/27/2008 07:56:00 AM
Obama File 53 Why Did Obama Appoint A Socialist To His "Transition Team"?
by Trevor Loudon
Obama file 52 href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-52-communists-celebrate.html">color=#0000ff>here
According to the href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/17/AR2008111703037.html?hpid=topnews">color=#0000ff>Washington Post, potential appointees to president
elect Obama's new administration are being scrutinised like never before.
Now, as President-elect Barack Obama assembles his administration, an
army of lawyers volunteering on his transition team are vetting his potential
picks with unprecedented scrutiny of their personal, financial and professional
Obama is conducting the vetting process much the way he
managed his campaign: methodically, thoroughly and on a prodigious scale. He did
not wait until he won the election to vet his favored picks. Soon after he
clinched the Democratic nomination, lawyers quietly prepared dossiers of about
150 contenders for senior positions -- often without the candidates themselves
Why then did president elect Obama, appoint a socialist
to his proto cabinet- href="http://www.freep.com/article/20081106/NEWS15/81106063/1008/news06">color=#0000ff>Transition Economic Advisory Board?
man in question, former Michigan Congressman David Bonior is a supporter and
almost certainly a "member in good standing" of Democratic Socialists of America
Despite its name, DSA is not "democratic" in the
traditional American sense. The organisation is a several thousand strong
alliance of Marxists, anarchists, former communists, Trotskyists and student
radicals-dedicated to the socialist transformation of American
DSA has close ties and some cross membership with both the href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-52-communists-celebrate.html">color=#0000ff>Communist Party USA and the CPUSA offshoot href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/08/obama-file-25-ccds-marxist-leninists.html">color=#0000ff>Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism-both of wich also supported Obama.
Many DSA
members have ties to Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela and Mexico's Zapatista
DSA National Political Committee member, Kurt Stand, (code name "Junior") was
jailed in 1997 after the FBI discovered he had href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A00E5D6173FF936A25753C1A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all">color=#0000ff>spied for the former East Germany.
A href="http://www.klstand.net/PostedAppeal.htm">Friends of
Kurt Stand support group is still run by senior DSA member
William (Bill)Moseley.
According to href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_E._Bonior">color=#0000ff>Wikipedia Bonior was...
First elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976, Bonior served as Democratic whip in
the House from 1991 to 2002, during which time Democrats were in both the
majority (1991-1995) and minority (1995-2002), making Bonior the third and
second highest-ranking Democrat in the House, respectively. During his tenure in
office, Bonior was the public face of Democratic opposition to the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...
David Bonior was a leading
member of the href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2006/11/socialists-behind-progressive-caucus.html">color=#0000ff>Congressional Progressive Caucus, a grouping of
around 50 leftist Democratic congressmen, which includes some DSA
From the href="http://www.dsausa.org/pdf/widemsoc.pdf">DSA
No, we are not a separate party. Like our
friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and
community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic
Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s left wing,
represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus...Maybe sometime in the
future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be
viable. For now, we will continue to support progressives who have a real chance
at winning elections, which usually means left-wing Democrats
leaving Congress in 2002, Bonior ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Michigan,
backed by Detroit DSA.
From DSA's href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Fall_2002.pdf">Democratic
Left Fall 2002
Detroit DSA remains active in the
electoral arena. Over the spring and summer, its work focused on Rep.David
Bonior's gubernatorial campaign. The local endorsed Rep. Bonior almost eighteen
months ago. He was the keynote speaker at its last Douglass-Debs Dinner. DSA
helped with the early fundraising for his campaign, col-lecting signatures for
his nominating petitions, distributing literature at Detroit churches, and
walking door to door in Macomb County on his behalf on the weekend before the
primary. On the weekend of July 20-21, the local brought Rep. Danny Davis (an
African-American congressman and DSA member from Chicago) to Detroit to campaign
for Bonior...
Danny K Davis is also long time href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/08/obama-file-22-barack-obama-danny-k.html">color=#0000ff>friend and political ally of Barack
In 2003 David Bonior was a keynote speaker at href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Winter_2003.pdf">DSA's
national convention in Detroit
Bonior's speech-"Towards a
North American Parliamentary Union" called for a political forum, or Parliament
to address US/Canada/Mexico relations. While Bonior was a leading opponent of
the North American Free Trade Agreement, he is clearly not so opposed to North
american political union..
Bonior told the DSA conference;
organization has been just absolutely tremendous in the Detroit area in
[the]living wage campaign’s great, great success—they have been one of the
stalwarts in it—fighting for a singlepayer healthcare plan, and, of course,
global justice. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here with you today and to
be associated...
Four days after Obama won the presidency, on the 8th
of November 2008, Greater Detroit DSA honoured David Bonior and his wife at
their color=#0000ff>annual dinner.
At this year’s Fr ederick
Douglass-Eugene V. Debs Dinner, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) with the New
American Movement to form Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The dinner
will be held at UAW Local 600 at 6 PM on Saturday, November 8th. This year we
are honoring David and Judy Bonior and Judge Claudia Morcum...
Bonior also chairs the board of pro-union organisation href="http://www.americanrightsatwork.org/">American
Rights at Work. Other board members include AFL-CIO president and
DSA member John Sweeney, NAACP leader Julian Bond (once a member of DSA ancestor
organisation Democratic Socialist Organising Committee) and two DSA connected
politicians-former Congressman and NAACP president Kweisi Mfume and
Congresswoman Hilda Solis.
Clearly David Bonior is close to DSA, but is
there any proof that he is actually a member?
From DSA's href="http://www.dsausa.org/dl/Spring_2006.pdf">color=#0000ff>Democratic Left Spring 2006
DSA has
formed a Political Action Committee—Democratic Socialists of America PAC (DSA
PAC), which will raise funds to enable activity that supports or opposes
candidates for federal office. By law, DSA is not permitted to expend its
resources in support of or against candidates in partisan elections; however,
DSA is permitted to form a PAC for this purpose...
The PAC is a separate
legal entity that will file reports of its activity with the Federal Election
Only DSA members in good standing may contribute to the
PAC. Because the law is so specific, all contributions are carefully screened to
make sure that they are from members...
"Only members in good
standing may contribute..."
According to href="http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/david-bonior.asp?cycle=06">color=#0000ff>this page-David Bonior Political Campaign
Contributions 2006 Election Cycle David E Bonior gave $1,000 to the DSA
Either DSA, Bonior or both broke US electoral law, or David E Bonior
was, in 2006, an official member of Democratic Socialists of
Others contributors href="http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/committees/democratic-socialists-of-america-pac.asp?cycle=06">color=#0000ff>listed with Bonior included confirmed DSA members
David Green, Ed Clark, Adam Hochschild, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/02/obama-file-19-obama-08-all-way-with-dsa.html">color=#0000ff>Duane Campbell, David Knuttenen, Richard Shoemaker,
Milton Tambor, Eric Edel, Oskar Pascal and William Moseley.
So it looks
pretty likely that David Bonior was, or is, a paid up socialist.
If this
is so, why would Obama appoint David Bonior to one of the most important posts
in the country?
It is not as if Bonior and Obama go way back. Bonior is
only a fairly recent convert to the Obama cause. Originally he was a campaign
manager for Obama's Democratic primary rival John Edwards.
Even though
Bonior's conversion is pretty complete…
why should Obama choose him above
all other contenders?
The answer may be obvious.
Obama has his own
easily documented ties to Democratic Socialists of America.
Obama almost
certainly began attending href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/01/obama-file-7-barack-obama-and.html">color=#0000ff>DSA sponsored conferences while at Columbia
University in the early 1980s. He was href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/01/obama-file-2-barack-obama-was-endorsed.html">color=#0000ff>endorsed by Chicago DSA during his successful 1996
run for Illinois State Senate. At the same time href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-41-obama-was-new-party.html">color=#0000ff>he joined the partially href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-36-how-socialist-was-obamas.html">color=#0000ff>DSA initiated New Party.
Obama has close
personal and political ties to several DSA supporters including href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-36-how-socialist-was-obamas.html">color=#0000ff>Quentin Young, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-45-obamas-cuddly-old.html">color=#0000ff>Rabbi Jacob Wolf, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-42-obamas-socialist.html">color=#0000ff>Jackie Grimshaw, href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/09/obama-file-26-william-mcnary-yet.html">color=#0000ff>William McNary, the late href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-file-39-barack-obama-carol.html">color=#0000ff>Saul Mendelson and US Congress members Danny K
Davis and href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/02/obama-file-12-jan-schakowsky-barack.html">color=#0000ff>Jan Schakowsky.
Is it credible that Obama
has no knowledge of Bonior's DSA connections? Is it possible that Obama's
sleuths missed Bonior's easily found socialist links?
Is it more likely
that Obama is well aware of Bonior's background, but appointed him in spite of,
or even because of it?
In appointing David Bonior to his "Transition
Team" was Obama knowingly promoting a a socialist "comrade"?
There are
some important questions to be answered here.
posted at href="http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2008/11/obama-file-53-why-did-obama-appoint.html">color=#0000ff>11/27/2008 07:56:00 AM
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