Saturday, March 7, 2020

Of Born Again and Canvas Buckets

WHAT is 'to be born again'? WHY should we get 'born again'? HOW do we get born again? WHO is to be born again? WHEN and WHERE to be born again?


So you have been born from the amniotic fluid water world into the air world, and you have grown and learned to read this language, and you might wonder what this 'born again' notion is about. You may not yet believe this, but the very Creator of the Universe, Creator of time and space and all that is seen by us and all that is unseen by us is glad when you would ask such a question. He, the Creator, has actually given the answer to that! It will help you to understand if you believe there is a Creator God and that He has used men in the past to relate His words to us, but believe it or not that is not necessary at this point in the rendering!

There is an included appendix listing the Bible passages not quoted in the text, as rendered with the English Standard Version. You do not have to believe the Bible is the Word of God, but it helps. If you do not believe fully in the Bible, just follow the logical progression about to be offered. Many have done that and ended up trusting that the Bible is a supernatural communication from The Creator.

God wants all of us to be born again. He gave us a body and a soul and a spirit and wants us to gain full use of all those aspects of our nature. But to do so, to get the full measure of what God desires for us, we must reach a point when we are born again, born of the Spirit after being born from the water world.

There is a God-designed progression from the moment God creates our rudimentary self. We are given physical life in the womb of our mother when our most elementary stage of life attaches to our mother's uterine lining and we begin receiving life support from her life.

While in the realm of the water world we build a body for living in the realm of the air world. While in the air world for however many years we develop a soul presence, a sense of self as different from the inanimate realm of the air world. We humans are a spirit, a soul, and a body. We build the body in the water realm, we develop the soul while in the air realm, but what of the spirit that is in the soul? That is what being born again is all about, kind of like canvas buckets, all about getting life in the spirit, developing the spirit.

To explore this notion on more than a simple level we will need to explore what is the nature of the Universe, and more particularly what is there of the unseen Universe that we may come to recognize. We will start with a really neat scene in Palace Party Central, Babylon, and a gathering intended for praising the gods of gold, silver, iron, wood and stone.

Part One:

The Old Testament Book of Daniel, Chapter Five, English Standard Version of the Bible:

1 King Belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand of his lords and drank wine in front of the thousand. 2 Belshazzar, when he had tasted the wine, commanded that the vessels of gold and silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple at Jerusalem be brought , that the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines might drink from them. 3 Then they brought in the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines drank from them. 4 They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. 5 Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw the hand as it wrote.

The scene takes place during the siege of Babylon by armies of Darius, king of the Medes and Persians. The city was surrounded and under attack, but for a long time the walls held and supplies were feeding the inhabitants. Fresh water ran under the walls and nourished the people and the crops inside the walled city. Belshazzar trusted the walls to keep the invaders out. In his pagan mind praise was due to the gods of things, things like stone and iron and wood. But his error was in misusing the cups and articles used for worship in the Temple of God in Jerusalem. That very night the city fell to the invaders. The writing on the wall was a proclamation of judgment: in Aramaic, 'mene mene tekel upharsin' (or in mixed languages, mene mene tekel and parsin); in English weighed weighed found wanting. [ Daniel's interpretation for the king: 24 “Then from His presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. 25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin. 26 This is the interpretation of the matter: Mene, God has numberedg the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; 27 Tekel, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; 28 Peres, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”]

Here is an aside:

For many decades scholars believed the entire Book of Daniel to be a fabrication, a story book of events, written hundreds of years after the purported origin. Events prophesied in Daniel, by a writer looking back in History, were asserted to have imagined a king named Belshazzar. But in the modern epoch, Archaeologists excavating the foundation for a tower in the old city of Babylon found a clay tablet bearing cuneiform writing that named Nebuchadnezzar and his son Belshaazzar (actually grandson) in dedication of the tower.

And from the old man, Daniel: upon entering the city, Darius received an astonishing revelation of his conquering Babylon, written more than 150 years earlier in the Prophetic scriptures. For being shown that prophecy fulfilled, Darius ordered the return of the Hebrews to Jerusalem and their freedom from Babylonian captivity.

There is what folks call a supernatural aspect to the scene in Palace Party Central. I am sure you caught it: the hand appeared and wrote a judgment on the wall; just the hand was seen. There appeared a disembodied hand which wrote on the wall! But that hand was attached to an arm and a body of a living being located in a realm, a space and time coordinate system not seen by the partiers or the king. The scene bespeaks a realm of space and time reality where real physical beings exist, yet the entire realm is totally un sensed by us. An aspect of the Universe God has Created exists no further away from us than the length of a hand, a realm with space and time coordinate reality yet it is totally unseen!

Here is another aside:

For the Universe God has created, without time events do not occur and without space a thing does not exist. Since the being in that other realm did something -reached into the Party room- there is time in that realm, and since the hand was visibly taking up space as it wrote on the wall, the being exists in the Universe God has created, BUT in a realm with space and time coordinates not accessible to us in our space and time realm.

For many scholars that passage is an example of a 'Christophany', an appearance of Jesus beyond / before His birth to Mary and Joseph, an appearance possible because in His present glorified state He has access to all of time and space and can appear to Moses on the mountain, and to Daniel by the River Chabar, and to ... well you get the point. [ Frankly, there are other humans who could be the messenger sent by God to deliver the judgment, humans who did not taste physical death and were translated into God's Presence without dying (Enoch and Elijah). That notion of not tasting death and being whisked away from Earth will arise again soon in this exploration.]

There are other scenes in the Bible, two of which are worth noting here as bespeaking space and time coordinates not usually seen by us. When Stephen was being stoned to death for angering the rulers of Israel, he looked in the sky and saw into the Third Heaven, where He saw Jesus standing beside the Throne of God (Acts 7). The men with stones could not see what Stephen was seeing then. In the Old Testament a realm at first unseen is opened up for a young man to see, where an entire army was camped along the ridge nearby, protecting Elisha the Prophet and the young man from the king of Syria forces which surrounded the little town of Dothan to capture the Prophet (2 Kings 6).

Part Two

Recorded in the Gospel of John, chapter three, is an interesting exchange Jesus had with one of the foremost teachers in Israel. Let's listen in:

John 3, English Standard Version:

1 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

9 Nicodemus said to him, “How can these things be?” 10 Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things? 11 Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

Did you catch that? Jesus tells this educated teacher that one must be born of the water world AND the spirit, in order to enter the Kingdom of God. There it is, life more abundant, life in the otherwise dead spirit. Why say dead spirit? Because we inherited from Adam something God intends for His life to animate, the spirit of each of His created humans.

God put a spirit in the soul of Adam, not by Adam believing, but just by God's creative gift. Then God breathed into Adam and the alive man became a living soul, a soul with the Light of Life in his spirit.

To have God's life in the human spirit but then lose it when sin entered the soul might be illustrated by a watch with a face sensitive to light such that the dial glows when a strong light activates fluorescing chemicals ; the glow of the hands and dial points fades if no new light energy is shone upon the watch dial. We will soon contrast that slow fade with what happens when a person is born again. Instead of a stimulated glow, it is like a sudden source of power to produce the flow is inserted into the watch face.

Adam, when he rebelled against God's command, forfeited the life glow God had shone upon Adam's spirit. But the spirit remained, though dead, 'for in that day they should surely die' (Genesis 2:17). 'Somehow' all of us via DNA descended from Adam have a dead spirit, thus the world is constantly wooing our flesh .

Here is a quick aside: our soul without life in our spirit is connected to our physical body in the world. That combination is 'the flesh'. The term refers to the behavior mechanism of mind, will, and emotions which direct the body's behavior.

Adam's 'death' was a spirit thing even as the physical body continued alive. Satan's great lie hinged upon the humans not realizing they had levels of life, so satan's lie was you shall not surely die, referring to the physical which he knew would not end then, but hiding his lie behind the couple's ignorance of the spirit life they possessed by grace 'shining' upon the spirit component of their being. The reality of these levels of life is related to the coordinate realms, for the soul is real and the spirit is real, thus they are in the Universe God has created.

Now we can get into the meat of this 'born again' notion.

Here is another aside: Paul, when writing to the little band of Christians he established in the city of Thessalonika, wrote a blessing to them citing their spirit and soul and body. He identified the three aspects of everyone, spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). In another passage he wrote of the origin / author of sin in us (Romans 7:16-18). With no spirit life in the spirit, our soul learns sin, not righteousness. Thus each of us is identified as being dead in trespasses and sins. There are so many degrees of 'fleshly' deadness, but only one degree of spiritual aliveness. Only the spiritually alive can enter the Kingdom of God, because the spiritually alive have the righteousness of Christ imputed to their spirit, by the power of God's Spirit.

Part Three:

The question many ask at this stage is 'so why do I have to be born again since I am enjoying life as I am now?' The answer is at first simple, then very involved.

Simply stated, you can continue on in life with your spirit dead in trespasses and sins. God will not force you to accept His Life into your spirit.

We see all around us varying degrees of this deadness, from the extreme criminality to seemingly harmless little lies, from drug abuse to only a little glass of wine in the evening, imbibed to settle our conscience for sleep. The little glass of wine is not sin, it is the use of it to absolve the conscience of the sins during the day, that is the sin so well disguised. God desires that all come alive in spirit, but He shares His glory with those who actually want it. He does not force His Life upon you for it is received as Grace not merit or by command.

Some want spiritual life because they have come to realize there is more to living than being tossed by cares of the world, tempting the flesh, by an evil source. There is more aliveness and more reality coming which requires that God's Life is abiding in their individual spirit. They have also come to realize that sin in their record of living in the body makes them unfit to be in God's Presence and they have accepted the Grace God has provided so that they can be spiritually, perfectly righteous before God.

So, you might ask, what is coming that requires me to have an alive spirit? Good that you ask, because God has arranged for the future to be understood through prophecy. And here we will tap into the dimensional stuff mentioned earlier.

There is coming (sooner rather than later) a supernatural event which will snatch all those who have been born again -whether alive now or long since dead- away from the Earth and the coming wrath of God poured out upon those who have refused the Grace of God offered through Christ Jesus. That is the simple answer, now the involved answer.

The Bible tells us (thus God tells us) that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, able to separate soul and spirit (Letter to The Hebrews 4:12). As we are when born from the water world, our spirit is attached to the soul. The truth declared by the word of God found in the Bible can slice apart the spirit from the soul. Separated from the fleshly soul, the spirit can be cleansed and have God deposit His Spirit Life in the newly cleansed spirit.

When God works this miraculous change, He then abides there in our human spirit and 'it' our newly alive spirit cannot then sin because God's Seed abides therein (1 John 3:9). Does the fleshly soul continue to sin? Yes! But if we submit our fleshly soul to the directing of God's Presence within our spirit, gradually (sometimes quickly with many) changes in the behaviors of the body by renewing our mind with a desire to do right things is the result of being born again (Letter to The Romans 12:2).

So you might now ask, 'how is this behavioral change important to this snatching away of all believers?'

Here follows the involved part, the dimensional characteristics part. In one of his letters, Paul writes the following to the believers in Thessalonika, to address the worry some were having regarding Jesus returning for His Body of all believers and the reality that some believers had died since he was with them, teaching:

1 Thessalonians, 4, English Standard Version:

13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

We need to add one more clue before we dive into the scene. As Jesus is now, He is described as in a glorified state of physical existence. Physical because presumably Thomas could feel and see the wounds from the crucifixion (John 20:26-29; Luke 24:32-43).

Jesus has a body that is able to appear and disappear, able to enter a locked and shuttered room without opening any portal, able to eat broiled fish, able to leave a stone blocked burial chamber without rolling away the stone, able to walk with disciples then suddenly disappear after speaking a blessing over the supper bread. He ascended into Heaven, just drifted upward as He was speaking a last blessing on His followers, when He left this planet after His resurrection from the dead.

The Bible obliquely indicates that only those who believed in Him actually were able to see the resurrected Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). [On the road where Saul -renamed Paul, the Apostle- was confronted by Jesus, Saul saw Jesus but the men with Saul did not see, much like Stephen seeing into the Throne Room in Heaven but the stone throwers could not see it.] But for those who now believe in Him, when He returns to snatch away the believers we shall see Him as He is because in that moment we will have been transformed to be like Him (1 John 3:2). This change of appearance, for us, will happen so fast we will just disappear from view of those around us who are not alive in their spirit (1 Corinthians 15;50-53).

Why do we say we shall disappear? Well, in His glorified state Jesus was not visible to those who did not have God's Life in their human spirit. Our transformation will be a sudden phase shift from our current space and time coordinate existence, into a different space and time coordinate system as illustrated in Daniel chapter five, with the hand writing on the wall yet the being to whom that hand was attached remained in a different, unseen realm of space and time.

Friend, there is a very real event about to happen, wherein those who have died with God's Spirit abiding in their spirit (1 John 3:9) are going to be given new bodies and a new behavior mechanism (that flesh thing) and then whisked away into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air! No doubt this will have some sort of physical effect upon the space and time realm we now sense. But these risen people will not be visible and will be whisked away so fast that anyone who thought they saw something will perhaps shake their head and deny it. These not snatched away will also be told a great lie, no doubt issued from the deceitful media, to explain away the departure of His body of believers.

To top that, we who are alive at the moment the dead in Christ rise to new bodies and souls for their alive spirit, well we will be suddenly transformed in the time it takes a photon to pass from outside an eye to inside (and that photon is traveling at the speed of light in that short distance). This event will be a world-wide scene.

Imagine what catastrophic effect the sudden disappearance of millions in America will have! There are believers in Jesus who fly our planes, drive our buses, direct our trains, and drive cars on the freeways. There are believers who maintain our infrastructure, farm our food, drive our delivery trucks, and stand as defenders of our society, in the military and law enforcement capacities. Jesus is taking all of the believers out of here before the wrath of God is poured out in increasing severity upon an unbelieving world.

There will be some countries and regions which might have to watch CNN to find out something catastrophic has happened! Those are the places where unbelief in Jesus is the norm, places where mocking the spiritual phase shift is a comedic interlude. Those places, found all over the planet reject the notion that God offers an easy means to be born again, born in the dead spirit, places where heresies are an everyday belief, and blasphemies are common ritual. The event program for this horrific time in Earth's History is written down and saved in The Revelation of John, the last book in the Bible.

To avoid being on Earth when that horror begins to unfold Jesus says you must be born again, you must come alive in your spirit before He comes to snatch away those in whom God has placed His spiritual Life.

Part Four

Hopefully, by now you are asking how does one get born from above, born again?

That is the easy part. By an act of your will, which is a part of your fleshly soul, you can turn to Jesus, turn to God-with-us and simply trust that He IS and that He is telling you the truth through His Word that you have a dead spirit. You believe with your will and God springs into action on your behalf! The very God Creator will create in your human spirit a clean well kept place where He will abide in you. You will be alive forever more by His Grace and power, not by anything you could do to earn such a gift (1 John 3:9).

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption

In that little verse, Paul tells us there are three parts to our salvation: justification by His righteousness imputed or gifted to us; sanctification of us by transforming our soul's mind; and glorification / redemption, the moment He returns and makes for us a new body and behavior mechanism fit for eternal living. After Paul taught a group who became born again, he would write to them giving exhortation to live clean lives thereafter. He said it is God who is in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. [This is our cue to explain what follows new birth.]

When we believe and are born again we are considered justified before the God, justified in God's Presence, with the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to us, to our spirit. His righteousness is not dripped into us as if an intravenous infusion as we work our way to what we hope will be eternal life. In the instant you believe in your heart that Jesus is Savior righteousness is imputed to your spirit. Our new born spirit is alive forever more. But the soul which has been trained in sin remains and will sin. Since the spirit has been separated from the fleshly soul, the spirit does not sin for God's seed remains therein, by the Promise of God not efforts on our part. But there is still sin in and by the fleshly soul. God says that blemish is erased from the records of your soul when you confess that sin to Him. That is sanctification happening, the renewing of our fleshly mind, the transforming of our flesh to move us away from sin and closer to our God Creator.

In Paul's letter to the (Romans 8:10) we read that if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness, the righteousness of Christ in you.

Here is the canvas bucket aside:.

The following is an analogy for the human spirit before born again and after born again:

When I was a little boy of two (1947) an Army Colonel three doors down from our home used to wash his big car in the parking lot out front of his home. Not having a hose, he used canvas buckets to hold soapy water and then clear water to rinse the car. These canvas buckets had a large steel ring sewn into a swath of canvas and a smaller ring sewn into what was the bottom of the canvas bucket. These were handy during the war, to carry water for the engine cooling radiators of jeeps and trucks and tanks, and to make a wash basin for refreshing the tired or sleepy soldiers. When not filled with water they stored well in the crowded vehicles since they flattened down when empty.

I squatted down at one of the rinse buckets which was full, with water sweating out the canvas sides. When I poked the canvas with my finger, water would spill out over the rim.

When we are born our human spirit is like the canvas bucket when empty of water. The bucket is flattened, with the smaller bottom steel ring resting inside the larger top ring. The bucket is not fulfilling the goal for which it was created. Without the water of the Spirit, er, I mean without the Life of the Holy Spirit in our human spirit our spirit is not fulfilling the purpose for which it is created.

The spirit in the man is designed to drive the behavior mechanism, the flesh of the man. Without life in the spirit there is no director, no king in our body temple. There is a declaration in Judges, the Old Testament, chapter 21, verse 25 which states that 'in those days there was no king in Israel so every man did what was right in his own eyes.' Without liquid in the canvas bucket, the bucket is not a bucket fulfilling its purpose. Without the Life of God abiding in the human spirit, every soul, every flesh does what is right or pleasing or powerful in its own eyes. The dead spirit cannot direct the behavior mechanism so the flesh does the directing. The results are not behaviors that are righteous before God so they are lumped under the broad heading of sin, and every man has sin in the life of the flesh.

Being born again, born from above, brings Life of and from God into our before dead spirit. And by His Promise He then abides there with us, without any sin tainting our spirit thereafter. When Jesus comes back into the first heaven (Biblically the atmosphere and space surrounding Earth) to snatch all His believers away, all believers trusting in Him will receive new bodies and a new behavior mechanism, to carry our eternally alive spirit around God's Creation.

And that is why we need to be born again in the now, because the snatching away is very close now, based upon what The Word of God tells us to watch for as signs of the spiritual season of His return for us. And to get born again one needs only to believe God is and that Jesus is Whom God has sent for the empowering of our faith, then ask Him to be your redeemer. In response to that belief, that faith in Him, He makes our human spirit to have His Life in us.

Believing on The One lifted up on that cross for our deliverance heals the poison of sin and makes us alive in Him. Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the desert, and ALL who looked to that brass serpent believing God's Promise to deliver them from the snakes were delivered from the poison (Numbers 21:4-9).

Here is a last aside

On the night Jesus was betrayed, He and the disciples took the Passover together in the Upper Room. After Judas Iscariot had left to alert the Jewish leaders of where they could capture Jesus that night, the disciples asked to be given a sign to assure them that Jesus was the Messiah sent from God. Let's pick up the conversation as recorded in John 14:

1“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4 And you know the way to where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.

12“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

15“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

In that exchange there is an important lesson regarding God and the Universe of His creating, along with an obvious promise by Jesus to come for all believers in whose spirit God abides. God is Spirit, to be worshiped in spirit and truth (John 4:24)

When Philip asks Jesus to just show them the Father Almighty and that will be enough to convince them, Jesus gives these men a sort of Physics lesson. In essence Jesus tells them, all that they can see of God the Father Almighty is where He, God, is in their sensing range as Jesus ... as the spirit director of Jesus who was named hundreds of years before His birth as 'God With Us'.

What Philip asked was not possible given the space and time sensing limitations of these men. God is so much greater than the dimensional extent of these men, of our world, that the only place we can sense or see God is where He is intersecting our limits. We are limited to three variables of space and one of time. God is unlimited, but He intersected and passed through our limits as Jesus.

As Jesus is now, in His glorified body of much more complex space and time coordinates, we cannot see Him, but when He appears we will see Him as He really is because in that moment we will have been made like Him, existing in a much greater, more complex space and time coordinate system. But to experience that Kingdom of God we must be born again, born in the spirit, right now and wherever you are, for we do not know how close is the transforming event, the snatching away before the wrath of God is poured out on an unbelieving world.

The spirit and soul exist and are real in space and time. Let God put Life into your spirit, today, wherever you are as you read this essay, by just believing Jesus is and is your deliverer from the spiritual poison of sin.

APPENDIX The scriptures cited, here quoted from the English Standard Version

Acts 7:

2 Kings 6:

Genesis 2:17

1 Thessalonians 5:23

Romans 7:16-18

Hebrews 4:12

1 John 3:9

Romans 12:2

John 20:26-29

Luke 24:32-43

1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Numbers 21:4-9

John 4:24

Monday, March 2, 2020

Hardware, Software of Soul and Spirit

On Hardware and Software, Soul and Spirit

Chuck Missler was fond of noting that our soul and spirit are software not hardware. His assertion was that the body we occupy as we read this text is hardware and the meaning of the words and the thoughts conveyed are not physical things and are being understood by a software package called mind.

Chuck analogized that assertion with a compact disc and the difference of weight before data is downloaded and after data is downloaded to the disc. His point was that there is no difference in weight. The software data has no mass thus it has no weight. The disc weighs the same before download and after download. Let's focus more deeply on the notion(s) inferred by this assertion, because Chuck is correct, that our soul and our spirit are not hardware thus they have 'eternal existence' and the state in which they will express is something each of us ought to deal with.

We will start with the compact disc and the reality of a media in the hardware which allows data to be downloaded to the disc. The floppy discs Missler was referring to had a magnetizable surface. Data is transferred to the medium on the surface of the disc in bytes of 1s and 0s, ons and offs, opens or closeds, or how ever you wish to denote a binary language, a language with only two expressions.

A message is coded then transferred to the disc in the binary language. It is then up to a receiver of the data to upload the string of information and translate it into whatever language the mind of the recipient is using or the receiver uses for thought. The message starts as a thought from a source, is translated into a code and imprinted upon the disc, then read by another device to decode the data into a language targeted. The message has no mass, but there is a requirement for there to be some mass which is manipulated to express the message, then mass in a receiver to interpret or re-express the message.

Our DNA does something very much similar, in that the molecules making up the DNA strand have been 'arranged' into an information message which when 'read' manipulates masses to build a body (masses of molecules which arrange into proteins and then into larger arrangements or tissues and organs). I am information expressed by an arrangement of molecules ... an arrangement which will eventually decay and revert back to the atomic level of carriers for data. But wait! There's more!

This leads to a new insight building on Chuck Missler's assertion. The data is not any thing unless it has a receiver to express the message of the data, so our soul and spirit must have some actual / physical carrier that does have space and time reality! So Chuck's assertion is not a finished expression because our soul and spirit are not just the software but are also the hardware. The message has a carrier that is vital to the existence of the whole.

There are two axioms given to me by a very dear and intelligent Lady: without time events do not occur; without space a thing does not exist in the Universe God has created. Let's apply those two axioms to this discussion of soul and spirit as software. The soul and spirit of you do exist IN the Universe God has created, but they exists as software being carried by / expressed IN hardware of some sort.

Now the fun begins ...

The Bible gives us many clues to the existence of real space and time coordinate systems which are un sensed by us in our current configuration. Our sensory mechanism is limited to three variables of space and one of time. Science is telling us that there are more variables of space and perhaps time which are beyond the smallness level to be located. In effect when a thing goes smaller than 10 to the minus 33 centimeters it loses a property called 'location' ... smaller than 10 to the minus 33 centimeters and you cannot say it is 'there' or 'here', it is non-local.

There is a similar limit to span of time. If an event happens faster than 10 to the minus 43 seconds it is said to cease being a temporal event.

[Here's an aside: the Bible describes a physically real transformation of those Christians alive when the snatching away of all believers happens. This transformation is said to happen in the twinkling of an eye. That span of time is the time it takes a beam of light traveling at approximately 186,000 miles per second (or 300,000 kilometers per second) to pass from outside your iris to inside your eye, an event lasting about 10 to the minus 43 seconds!

We have referred to Daniel chapter five many times in essays, but let us now focus upon the reality inferred from the scene, specifically the nature of the being who wrote upon the wall while just the hand of that being was visible to the palace party central participants. We would presume that the hand was attached to an arm that was attached to a body of a real, physical being. Why so sure the being was physical? The hand made changes to the physical wall that remained visible in the party zone. We would presume that being has mass and was standing somewhere in some when. But, was the coordinate system of time and space for the messenger different from the party room such that some variable in his coordinates makes the messenger invisible?

[ Here is an aside: When Jesus appeared to His disciple after His resurrection they were frightened as He suddenly appear in their locked and shuttered room. The room had six sides: floor, ceiling, plus four walls. And Jesus entered the closed six-sided realm without going through any of the sides. He enters, somehow, and exhibits His physical body of flesh and bone. Once visible to them, He then responded to their fear by telling them to handle His body, challenging them with: “See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” ( Luke 24:29 ) Aside from the fact that He did not mention blood, Jesus brought a physical body into their midst, without using a doorway or window! And He was using that physical body to convey a message, so the mass-less information was being translated by a real physical transmitter / sender of the data. The scene in Luke 24 is like the scene in Daniel five, except the whole being not just the hand is in the same space and time realm as the disciples! ]

If the soul of mind, will, and emotions is not hardware and the spirit is not hardware, but there is a hardware carrier / expressor for each, we wonder what it is 'shaped' like? Well, it is likely a match for the shape of the body limited to the spacetime of our now physical senses. The coordinate system must be different than our now physical body because the spirit (and perhaps the soul / behavior mechanism) continues to exist in the Universe God has created even as the now body is giving up the atomic structures for life in the air world with four-D bodily death. Literally, the message of life carried by the DNA hardware is no longer being expressed by the thing the carrier of the DNA information fabricated.

So, perhaps, just perhaps, the coordinate systems of space and time for the soul carrier / receiver and for the spirit carrier / receiver have more spatial variable expressions than our air world space and time coordinates?

Addition of just one more coordinate variable would form a coordinate system beyond our senses. So long as that extra is intertwined with our where / when three of space and one of time, the greater would have access to the lesser, as in Palace Party Central, Babylon. The extra variable would needs be intertwined with our four-D limits so that an interface can happen between coordinate systems. At our death in this where / when the connection, the interface is broken to our four-D realm but continues in the five-D realm where expression of mind, emotion, and will are real. And since the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, able to separate soul and spirit, an extra variable might be a six-D where / when of the spirit and can be separated so that God can cleanse it from sin stain and abide therein. [ See 1 John 3:9 ]

Can we say that life is a software expression utilizing a hardware carrier; is the life of the body more primitive than the life of the soul, and the life of the soul more primitive than the life of the spirit? Biblically, before being born again, there is no life in the spirit. The carrier is non-functional so when born again it is God-life animating the spirit and its carrier.

Is that what Jesus meant when He said He had come to give men life and more abundantly? [ Berean Study Bible “I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.” John 10:10 ]

Part Two

What of angels? What is the where / when of angels? There is a reason to ask this question since the voice of an archangel will be involved in the snatching away of all believers. [ Berean Literal Bible 1 Thessalonians 4:16 because the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. ] Angels are real beings, alive in a sense that we cannot comprehend. They do things and occupy space so they are in the created Universe, but where are they? We would presume they are higher dimensional beings but can share our dimensional limits if they choose to do so.

That verse in the first Thessalonians letter seems to indicate there are three phases to the snatching away of all believers, dead or alive. We are about to see (figuratively) an event men would characterize as supernatural because it involves aspects / realities not sensed by us in our current where / when. If extra dimensional variables cited previously are real in the Universe God has created -and we believe they are because of clues found throughout the Bible, then what occurs in the Universe is not super natural, it is natural to the Universe because it is happening in the Universe created. The event is very real and involves hardware -new bodies- and software -new behavior mechanisms- conveying life in more fullness than we can express now as we posses deadness in our real spirit ( unless we are born again, born from above John 3:3 ).

First, there is the command from God as Jesus descends from the Third Heaven Throne Room ( or the second heaven, not the Throne Room; who knows, this is not Google Earth driving directions ). We are assured that God is bringing with Him ALL spirits of those who have died in Christ. They are either in the Third Heaven or the Second Heaven, not here upon or in the Earth because Jesus is there and God is bringing them with Jesus. We might liken that loud command to the scene when Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the tomb. [ John 11:43 ]

Is the voice of the archangel a redundancy, or is there an other step in the process, one aimed at those who are not coming with Jesus but are still alive, in Him by the Holy Spirit Presence in their spirit? [ Ephesians 11:13&14 ] Is the voice of the archangel to transform us?

It could be that we who are alive are transformed in the same instant Jesus creates new bodies and behavior mechanisms for the dead. So what meaning can we assign regarding the voice of the archangel? Here is an odd conjecture, a suggestion for the world-wide thundering voice of the archangel.

Our atmosphere is teeming with electromagnetic filth being beamed all around the globe. Would Jesus descend into such filth and meet us in such a nasty environment? We are to be caught up into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Those electromagnetic waves are a form of pollution seeking a receiver to manifest their filth. Perhaps the voice of the archangel suddenly stops all electromagnetic transmission and erases the waves of filth! Such a cleansing need last only a brief amount of time and would cause such chaos upon the earth that everyone everywhere would be aware simultaneously. This sweep would not be permanent for we see in the Revelation of John that the whole Earth will witness events in Jerusalem not long after this snatching away event -maybe just three years later.

The third step in the snatching away of all believers is Trumpet of God. We have a big clue for this step, found in the opening verse of chapter four, the Revelation of John; Revelation 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door was standing open in heaven, and the first voice that I heard like a trumpet was speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show to you what it behooves to take place after these things.”

The simultaneous blast of the name of everyone just given new bodies and behavior mechanisms might well sound like a trumpet blast, to those not called up into the clouds to meet the Lord Christ in the air. The action is so fast in this process of snatching all believers away that the electromagnetic collapse and the blast of God's Trumpet may seem simultaneous to the left behinds, the earth dwellers.

How easy will it be to explain away the snatching away disappearance of hundreds of millions of people simultaneous with the electromagnetic collapse and that never heard before sound created by the blasting noise simultaneous as the moment of every name of believers is suddenly called out? You can bet there will be some great lie told to explain it away. There are thousands of scientists who have bowed to the anthropogenic global warming lie ( man made global warming ). They appear easy to be controlled. There are already what sound like trumpet blasts happening around the globe, as if preparing humanity for the great lie. The public is already taught the real chance of a devastating electromagnetic pulse from the Sun or a EMP, pulse weapon(s) detonated in the atmosphere.